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在1996年第5期刊登了《浅谈物理仪器读数》一文,该文在电压表和电流表读数方法中举例说明了对于0~0.6A挡的电流表读数应读到千分位,0~15V的电压表应读到百分位,并以高考试题评分标准予以说明,本文将从电表等级、误差理论角度对此提出一些不同看法,供大家参考.按照实验误差理论,实验测量的读数应按有效数字规则读数,即有效数字的最后一位一定要同误差所在的一位对齐,即测量误差出现在哪一位,读数时就应读到哪一位.这样,对电表读数时,首先要估计一下电表的测量误差,然后再确定读到哪一位.根据规定,电表的准确度等级分为0.1、0.2、0.5、1.0、1.5、2.5、5.0共七个等级.从电表的等级数可以确定电表的测量误差.电表的等级通常指明电表测量时的相对额定误差,如1.5级的电表,其相对额定误差为1.5%,则电表指针指示任一测量值时,所包含的最大测量误差为: In the 5th issue of 1996, a book entitled “Reading Physical Instruments Readings” was published. In the voltage meter and ammeter reading method, the example shows that the read-out of the ammeter for 0~0.6A gear should read a thousandth bit, 0~15V. Voltmeters should read the percentiles and be described in terms of high test question scoring standards. This article will provide some different opinions on the rating of electricity meters and error theory for your reference. According to experimental error theory, the readings of experimental measurements should be valid The digital rule reading, that is, the last digit of the significant digit must be aligned with the digit where the error is located, ie where the measurement error is, which digit should be read when reading. In this way, when reading the meter, the first thing to estimate is Measure the error of the meter, and then determine which one to read. According to the regulations, the accuracy level of the meter is divided into 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 5.0 total of seven levels. The number of levels from the meter can be determined Measurement error of the meter. The meter rating usually indicates the relative rated error of the meter. For example, for a meter of class 1.5, the relative rating error is 1.5%. When the meter pointer indicates any measured value, the maximum measurement error included is :
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