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目的了解掌握咸宁市近几年晚血的发病特点及发生的原因,为制定相应的防治对策提供科学依据。方法对2010—2016年疫情年报中的新发晚血病例逐个登记核实并进行个案调查,按《血吸虫病防治手册》中的诊断标准进行确诊,用SPSS18.0统计软件进行统计分析。结果下发个案调查表100份数,回收96份,回收率96.00%。其中3份记录不全予以剔除,合格率96.88%。93例当年新发晚血病例中男性74例,女性19例,男女之比为3.89:1;年龄最大72岁,最小20岁,平均年龄51.32岁。40~60岁占81.16%。农民82例,占88.17%,干部11例,占11.83%;2010—2014年晚血发病率呈降趋势,而2015—2016年出现反弹;发生病例的地区主要是嘉鱼51例,占54.84%,其次是赤壁39例,占41.94%,咸安3例,占5.38%。通山和非疫区未发现病例。垸内型57例,垸外型36例;巨脾型56例、腹水型32例、结肠增殖型5例,未发现从侏儒型;因生产性打湖草、防汛接触疫水感染者占74.19%,洗衣被、洗菜、打藜蒿等占20.43%、其他方式占5.38%。31.18%的患者从未进行过病原治疗,曾进行过1次治疗占25.81%,2次治疗占19.35%,3次占12.90%,4次占9.68%,≥5次占1.08%。经统计学处理r=1,P<0.01。结论晚血发病与接触疫水的频度及进行病原治疗与否及治疗的次数密切相关,应加强对青壮年人群的监测与防治工作。 Objective To understand the characteristics and causes of occurrence of late blood in Xianning in recent years and provide a scientific basis for formulating the corresponding control measures. Methods The cases of newly diagnosed late bloody episodes in the 2010-2016 annual report were registered and verified one by one. The cases were diagnosed according to the diagnostic criteria of “Schistosomiasis Prevention and Treatment Manual” and analyzed by SPSS18.0 statistical software. Results A total of 100 copies of case questionnaires were sent out and 96 samples were recovered with a recovery rate of 96.00%. Three of them were rejected incompletely, with a pass rate of 96.88%. Seventy-three cases of late onset of late blood in 74 cases of males, 19 females, male to female ratio was 3.89: 1; the oldest 72 years old, minimum 20 years old, mean age 51.32 years. 40 to 60 years old accounted for 81.16%. 82 cases of peasants, accounting for 88.17%, 11 cases of cadres, accounting for 11.83%; late 2010-2014 bloodstream incidence showed a downward trend, and rebound in 2015-2016; occurred in the region mainly Jiayu (54.84% , Followed by Chibi 39 cases, accounting for 41.94%, Haman 3 cases, accounting for 5.38%. No cases were found in Tongshan and pest free areas. Embankment in 57 cases, embankment in 36 cases; splenomegaly 56 cases, ascites in 32 cases, 5 cases of colon proliferation, did not find from the dwarf type; due to productive playing lake grass, flood control contact with infected persons accounted for 74.19 %, Laundry, washing vegetables, playing Artemisia arborescens and other accounts for 20.43%, 5.38% other ways. 31.18% of the patients had never been treated with pathogen, 25.81% had once treated, 19.35% had 2 times treatment, 12.90% had 3 times, 9.68% had 4 times, 1.08% had 5 times or more. After statistical processing r = 1, P <0.01. Conclusion The incidence of late blood is closely related to the frequency of contact with water and the number of pathogen treatment and treatment, and should be strengthened to monitor and control the population of young adults.
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陈祖新:中学特级教师,酷爱绘画,技术纯熟,其画兼收并蓄,自成一派。 Chen Zuxin: Junior high school teachers, love painting, skillful, the picture is eclectic, from o