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你刊1965年8期368页《关于酒精的小规模回收》一文中,介绍用干燥氯化钙(应为无水氯化钙)、生石灰可以制造无水酒精,本人认为此法不妥。无水氯化钙不能用于干燥酒精,生石灰可以。无水氯化钙之所以能起到干燥的作用,就是氯化钙能和水结合成水合结晶的络合物——CaCl_2·6H_2O;同样,醇也能和 CaCl_2结合成络合物——CaCl_2·6ROH。所以,在用无水氯化钙干燥醇时,不能完全除净水分。同时,氯化钙溶于醇后易污染醇,故用它也制不成合格的无水洒精。此外,无水氯化钙成本也高,使用不经济。用生石灰(CaO)制无水酒精是可以的。因为生石 In your article “On the Small-scale Recovery of Alcohol” in the 8th issue of 1965, page 368, we describe the use of dry calcium chloride (which should be anhydrous calcium chloride) and quicklime to make anhydrous alcohol. I think this method is not correct. Anhydrous calcium chloride can not be used to dry alcohol, quicklime can. The reason why anhydrous calcium chloride can play a role in drying is that calcium chloride can combine with water to form a hydrated crystalline complex - CaCl_2·6H_2O; similarly, alcohol can also be combined with CaCl_2 to form a complex - CaCl_2 6ROH. Therefore, when the alcohol is dried with anhydrous calcium chloride, the net moisture cannot be completely removed. At the same time, calcium chloride soluble in alcohol, easy to pollute the alcohol, so it can not be made into a qualified anhydrous sprinkling. In addition, anhydrous calcium chloride is also costly and not economical to use. It is possible to make anhydrous alcohol from quicklime (CaO). Because of the birthstone
Objective: To investigate the mechanism of the effect of gynostemma on learning and memory ofrats. Methods:The hippocmpus or nucleus was lesioned seperately,th
鼻出血是耳鼻咽喉科的一种常见急症,有多种治疗方法,效果各异。我科从1997年7月至1998年1月应用微波治疗75例鼻出血患者,疗效满意,现报道如下。1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料 75例患者中,男性43例,女性32例
阿米巴性痢疾是人類的傳染病,併發有大腸的急性機能障碍(痢疾症狀),且有轉歸爲慢性续發病的傾向。此病的病原體爲痢疾阿米巴——Entamoeba histolytica(弗、料什,1875年),此
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在苏联生长多种小蘗,其中有些曾很好研究过,而且在各国医学上普遍被应用着.例如伏牛花(Berberis vulgaris)在中国及英国应用以治疗内出血,并作为替代北美黄连的一种子宫止血