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  在世界闻名的“童书”作家中,有两位曾做过飞行员:一位是《小王子》的作者,法国的安托万·德·圣-埃克苏佩里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry);另一位,则是英国的罗尔德·达尔(Roald Dahl)。不过,与充满温情、哲理的《小王子》不同,达尔的书,不见得所有家长都愿意推荐给孩子读。有评论说,达尔的书之所以特别,是因为那份“unsentimental, macabre, often darkly comic mood, featuring villainous adult enemies of the child characters”(不感伤、挺恐怖,常带黑色喜感的调调,和那群与孩子们为敌的成年坏蛋角色)。“小王子”的确是“好孩子”,但好得有些“无趣”了;许多时候,倒是那些“坏到可爱”的角色更让我们喜欢。而且,达尔这些充满“坏蛋”和“坏点子”的“坏书”中,其实也正浸透了那股独特的英国幽默。
  英国可以说是一个视幽默为生命的国度。社会人类学家凯特·福克斯(Kate Fox)在《英国人的言行潜规则》(Watching the English: the Hidden Rules of English Behaviour)一书中写道,“Humour is omnipresent and omnipotent... Like class, it permeates every aspect of English life and culture... In other cultures, there is ‘a time and place’ for humour, it is a special, separate kind of talk. In English conversation, there is always an undercurrent of humour. We can barely manage to say ‘hello’ or comment on the weather without somehow contriving to make a bit of a joke out of it, and most English conversations will involve at least some degree of banter, teasing, irony, understatement, humorous self-deprecation, mockery or just silliness.”(幽默无处不在,无所不能??就像阶层一样,它体现在英国人生活和文化的方方面面??在其他文化中,幽默言谈不同于正常交谈,讲究“恰当场合”。而在英国人的交谈中,则总潜伏着幽默。问声好,聊句天气,也总要幽上一默,大部分英国人的谈话中,总要夹杂打趣、逗笑、嘲讽、重话轻说、戏谑自嘲、讥诮,或干脆就是装疯卖傻。)
  英国幽默的核心,是那份对于“认真劲儿”(earnestness)的抵制。“To take a deliberately extreme example, the kind of hand-on-heart, gushing earnestness and pompous, Bible-thumping solemnity favoured by almost all American politicians would never win a single vote in this country.”(举个极端例子,美国政客们推崇的那种手按胸口、拿腔作势的认真劲儿,那种把《圣经》拍得啪啪响的一本正经,在这个国家可是一张选票也得不到。)而且,达尔的小读者,大概还要往那位自以为是的政客脚下丢个香蕉皮什么的,让他出出丑呢。

1. 人如其名

  The Twits(《蠢特夫妇》)中的主角是Mr Twit与Mrs Twit。“twit”—“a very stupid person, most often a grownup”(非常蠢的人,常指成年人),即“傻蛋”之義。蠢特夫妇真的是两个很蠢的大人,不但蠢而且丑,整天脏兮兮的,还自作聪明,真是名副其实的“Twits”。
  在The BFG(《好心眼儿巨人》)中,达尔自造的一系列巨人的名字都滑稽十足,主角The BFG(The Big Friendly Giant,好心眼儿巨人)还算正常,其他巨人则是一群全然将自己的恶写在脸上的家伙:The Fleshlumpeater(吃人肉块巨人)、The Bonecruncher(嘎吱嘎吱嚼骨头巨人)、The Manhugger(抱汉包巨人)、The Childchewer(嚼孩子巨人)、The Meatdripper(肉油滴滴答巨人)、The Gizzardgulper(大吃特吃内脏巨人)、The Maidmasher(啃姑娘巨人)、The Bloodbottler(喝血巨人)、The Butcher Boy(屠宰巨人)……
  在Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(《查理和巧克力工厂》)中,且不说那些“反派”个个都是“名副其实”,即便主人公查理·巴克特(Charlie Bucket)也别有味道。“bucket”,除“水桶”之外,还有“屁股”之意,联想到达尔的众多故事中的主角,特别是小男孩,其实都是“捣蛋鬼”,这位乖孩子查理,显然也不是被作者找来扮演天使的。

2. 糊涂父母、凶蛮老师


  正常父母都把孩子宠成小公主、小王子,纵使孩子一无是处,父母也会觉得自己的孩子样样好。“It’s a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their child is the most disgusting little blister you could ever imagine, they still think that he or she is wonderful.”(当爸妈的,有一件事情很滑稽,即使自己的孩子是全天下最讨厌的小脓包,他们也认为这孩子就是了不起。)
  但玛蒂尔达的父母却是例外。他们对待孩子的态度,真是让人怀疑玛蒂尔达是不是充话费赠送的。“The parents looked upon Matilda in particular as nothing more than a scab... Mr and Mrs Wormwood looked forward enormously to the time when they would pick their little daughter off and flick her away, preferably into the next country or even further than that.”(沃姆伍德夫妇二人简直把玛蒂尔达看作是个疮痂,极其盼望着什么时候能把他们这个小女儿像疮痂那样剥下来扔掉,最好扔到另一个国家去,越远越好。)
  这对父母对孩子读书这件事更是深恶痛绝。玛蒂尔达向爸爸要求买本书来读,爸爸气得要炸了:“‘A book?’he said. ‘What d’you want a flaming book for?’ ‘What’s wrong with the telly, for heaven’s sake? We’ve got a lovely telly with a twelve-inch screen and now you come asking for a book! You’re getting spoiled, my girl!’”(“买本书?”他说,“你要一本荒唐的书干吗?”“天啊,电视机还不够?我们有一个漂亮的十二英寸的电视机,你却要我买一本书!你给宠坏了,我的小丫头!”)爸爸明确表态:读书是蠢人干的事!“ ‘We don’t hold with book-reading,’ Mr Wormwood said. ‘You can’t make a living from sitting on your fanny and reading storybooks. We don’t keep them in the house.’”(“我们不赞成读书,”沃姆伍德先生说,“光用屁股坐着读故事书混不到饭吃,我们家里没有书。”)
  而妈妈则认为女孩子最要紧的就是要找一个好人家嫁掉:“I’m not in favor of blue-stocking girls. A girl should think about making herself look attractive so she can get a good husband later on. Looks is more important than books.”(“我不欣赏女学究,一个姑娘应该想的就是让自己的样貌吸引人,这样以后才能找到个好丈夫。样貌可是比书本更重要。”)
  再看玛蒂尔达学校里的女校长,那是纯正的“凶神恶煞”:“When she marched—Miss Trunchbull never walked, she always marched like a storm-trooper with long strides... and if a group of children happened to be in her path, she ploughed right on through them like a tank, with small people bouncing off her to left and right. Thank goodness we don’t meet many people like her in this world... If you ever do, you should behave as you would if you met an enraged rhinoceros out in the bush—climb up the nearest tree and stay there until it has gone away.”(她大踏步走過—— 特朗奇布尔小姐从来不像普通人那样走路,要走就像一个纳粹冲锋队员那样摆动着双臂大踏步走……如果碰巧有一群孩子挡住她的道,她干脆就像一辆坦克车那样从他们当中冲过去,把小家伙们冲得有的向左歪,有的向右倒。幸好这世上这样的家伙并不多见……可万一你碰到了,你应该像在树丛中碰到一头发怒的犀牛一样,赶紧爬到最近的一棵树上去,等它走了再下来。)这位野蛮校长可谓令学生们闻风丧胆。
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