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通过对设计的本质和美的本质两方面的探讨和分析,本文认为设计美的标准为满足需要和适应变化。环境艺术设计是在空间环境中的设计,人的行为知觉上的美的体验要在空间中完成。环境艺术设计中美的标准同样要考虑满足需要和适应变化两条基本要求,并且更需要考虑人的需要的多样性和人本身的多样性,以及人的变化、自然环境和社会环境的变化对设计的影响。 Through the discussion and analysis of the nature of design and the nature of beauty, this paper argues that the standard of design beauty is to meet the needs and adapt to change. Environmental Art Design is a design in a space environment, and the perceptual aesthetic experience of human behavior is to be accomplished in space. The standards of environmental art design in China and the United States should also consider the two basic requirements of meeting needs and adapting to changes. And more, people need to consider the diversity of people’s needs and their own diversity, as well as human changes, changes in the natural environment and social environment. Impact.
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