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一、前言半导体技术的发展,使数字电路的品种越来越多,集成度越来越高,功能越来越复杂.要对这些电路的直流参数和动态功能进行测量其困难也越来越大,一般排题板式的或程序控制式的测试仪就其灵活性和适应性而言,已不能满足器件发展的需要.而数字电路应用的普遍化又强烈地需要一种测量范围广泛、功能强、使用方便的测试仪器.特别是高集成度的中、大规模器件的出现,对测试仪器的功能提出了更高的要求.目前,由计算机控制的全自动测试系统突破了程序控制式自动测试仪所无法解决的重大技术难题,使中大规模集成电路的全面测试成为可能,使仪器的测试能力大为扩展,测试效率大大提高.但是这些设备规模庞大,价格昂贵,一般的单位不易采用.针对这种情况,我们设计了ZJC-1型集成电路测试仪,此项设计着眼于价格低而又具有系统设计灵活性的微处理器,提出一种基于8080A微处理器的数字电路测试系统方案.由于充分利用了微处理器的控制功能和I/O能力,加上必要的一些测试通道,使该仪器既具有由计算机控制 I. INTRODUCTION With the development of semiconductor technology, more and more digital circuits, more and more integrated circuits and more complex functions have become more and more difficult to measure the DC parameters and dynamic functions of these circuits , The general scheduling board or program-controlled tester in terms of its flexibility and adaptability has been unable to meet the needs of the development of the device.And the widespread use of digital circuits and a strong need for a wide range of measurement, strong function , Easy to use test equipment.Especially the emergence of high integration of medium and large scale devices, put forward higher requirements for the function of test equipment.At present, the computer-controlled automatic test system broke through the program-controlled automatic test The major technical problems that can not be solved by the instrument make it possible to conduct comprehensive testing of medium and large scale integrated circuits, greatly expanding the testing capabilities of the instruments and greatly improving the testing efficiency. However, these apparatuses are large-scale and expensive, and are not easily adopted by common units. In response to this situation, we have designed the ZJC-1 IC tester, the design focuses on low-cost and system design flexibility of micro-processing A microprocessor-based digital circuit test system based on 8080A is proposed.Because of taking full advantage of the microprocessor’s control and I / O capabilities, plus some of the necessary test channels, the instrument has both computer-controlled
多原发癌(multiple primary tumors,MPT)是指同一患者在同时或不同时期出现两个以上原发性癌瘤而言.首先由Billroth[1](1889)报告,口腔颌面部MPT除可发生在口腔颌面部各所属
一、绪言 在钢铁工业、化学工业中,以及最近在宇宙研究、火箭工业等部门中广泛地使用氧气和氮气,而大量生产这些氧气和氮气的方法,一般是采用空气分离装置以深冷液化的方式