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电磁式谐波齿轮驱动器融电机与谐波齿轮减速器于一体,是一种用旋转磁场直接作为波发生器的谐波齿轮驱动装置,也是一种新颖的低转速输出电机,具有结构紧凑、惯量小、响应快、体积小、重量轻、精度高、成本低、低转速输出等一系列优点。单级减速比可以达到100以上,是应用于精密仪器、机器人、计算机外部设备等场合的理想驱动传动装置,特别适用于在中、小功率自动控制系统中作为执行元件。它的研究难度大,涉及到力学、电磁学、机械学、材料等多种学科。颜毅华博士在研究生学习期间,在著名教育家、力学家钱令希教授和尤竹平副教授的指 The electromagnetic harmonic gear drive integrates the harmonic motor with the harmonic gear reducer. It is a kind of harmonic gear drive which uses the rotating magnetic field directly as the wave generator. It is also a novel low-speed output motor with compact structure, inertia Small, fast response, small size, light weight, high precision, low cost, low speed output and a series of advantages. Single-stage reduction ratio can reach more than 100, is used in precision instruments, robots, computers and other external equipment ideal drive actuator, especially suitable for medium and low-power automatic control system as an executive component. Its research is difficult, involving mechanics, electromagnetism, mechanics, materials and other disciplines. Dr. Yan Yihua during graduate study, in the famous educator, mechanist Professor Qian Lingxi and You Zhuping associate professor
上海市机械工程学会热处理专业委员会第四届理事会第十二次会议暨第五届理事会成立大会于 2 0 0 1年 3月 16日在上海轻机大厦顺利召开。上海市机械工程学会常务副秘书长蒋财
The M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake occurred on the Longmenshan fault zone. Based on field investigation of the surface rupture and focal mechanism study of the afters
AIM: To investigate the influence of the CagA diversity in Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori ) strains from Colombia on the host cell biology. METHODS: Eighty-four
据2013年6月4日张召(Dev Cell,2013 Jun 4.doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2013.05.006)报道,中国学者发现,Ter94复合物选择K11连接形式泛素(ubiquitin)化修饰的Ci蛋白被蛋白酶体(prot
应用系统试井资料和室内实验资料系统分析注水井污染,建立定量计算不同污染因素对注水井引起伤害的方法,为注水井污染类型分析提供了新的手段。 The application of well test