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耕地固碳作为陆地主要生态系统固碳的有效补充,越来越引起学术界的广泛关注。但是,目前耕地固碳功能研究多从生态学角度研究耕地植被、土壤等碳吸收、碳释放以及将耕地看作纯自然生态系统研究系统碳平衡,缺乏从土地利用和管理学科角度对耕地固碳功能进行系统阐述和研究。黄淮海平原作为中国重要的粮食主产区,区内耕地面积大,耕地利用模式典型。本文以黄淮海平原为研究区,从耕地利用系统的角度出发,基于整个系统碳循环过程,构建了黄淮海平原耕地利用系统固碳功能研究基本框架,并基于生态学角度陆地生态系统固碳相关研究成果,从耕地固碳能力、固碳效率和固碳优势度三个方面对黄淮海平原耕地固碳功能进行了评价。研究结果表明:耕地利用过程中的耕地固碳功能认识,应从自然固碳能力、理想固碳能力、现实固碳能力和区域固碳能力4个层次展开,黄淮海平原耕地固碳能力在各个层级上均表现出正向性;此外,黄淮海平原耕地平均固碳效率为2.5,固碳优势度达到0.85,黄淮海平原耕地固碳功能在本区域具有不可忽视以及区域内其他生态系统不可替代的重要作用,在本区域应该作为耕地的重要功能进行显化。本研究不仅可为耕地生态功能理论研究提供新思考点,也为提升耕地的生态效益、缓解气候变化以及耕地生态补偿方面研究提供了参考和支撑。 As an effective complement to the fixation of carbon in the main ecosystem of arable land, cultivated land carbon sequestration attracts more and more academic attention. However, at present, researches on carbon sequestration in cultivated land mostly study the carbon sequestration and carbon release of arable land, soil and carbon from the ecological point of view, and consider the arable land as the carbon balance of the pure natural ecosystem research system. There is a lack of carbon sequestration in cultivated land from the land use and management disciplines Function system elaboration and research. Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, as an important grain-producing area in China, has a large area of ​​cultivated land and a typical pattern of cultivated land use. In this paper, taking Huang-Huai-Hai Plain as the research area, from the perspective of arable land use system, based on the whole system carbon cycle, the basic framework of carbon sequestration in cultivated land use system in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain was constructed. Based on the ecological perspective, Research results, from the farmland carbon sequestration ability, carbon sequestration efficiency and carbon sequestration dominance of three aspects of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain carbon sequestration function of farmland were evaluated. The results show that the understanding of arable land carbon sequestration in cultivated land use should start from four levels: natural carbon sequestration, ideal carbon sequestration, real sequestration and regional sequestration. The carbon sequestration of arable land in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain at all levels On the other hand, the average carbon sequestration efficiency of cultivated land in Huanghuaihai Plain was 2.5 and the carbon sequestration dominance reached 0.85. The carbon sequestration function of cultivated land in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain is not negligible in this region and can not be replaced by other ecosystems in the region The important role that should be manifested in the region as an important function of arable land. This study not only provides a new thinking point for the study of the ecological function of cultivated land, but also provides reference and support for improving the ecological benefits of cultivated land, mitigating climate change and ecological compensation of cultivated land.
<正> 蔺草同席草一样是宿根性水生植物。它是人民生活必须品草席的主要原料,也是我对日本出口“塌塌米”的主要原料。蔺草是早在唐代从我国苏州、宁波一带传入日本,经过长期培育的一种优质席草,定名蔺草。蔺草比我国席草质软、细长、产量高,亩产
<正> 六十年代中期以来,亚洲地区的一些发展中国家和地区纷纷设立出口加工区。其中最早的一个出口加工区便是我国台湾省高雄出口加工区,设立于1965年。高雄出口加工区的经营很快就取得成效,它通过引进外资和先进生产技术,扩大了出口贸易,提供了就业机会,增加了外汇收入,对六十年代后期和七十年代台湾省经济的迅速发展起了一定的促进作用。亚州不少发展中国家和地区鉴于台湾设立出口加工区有了成效,也先后
<正> 本书由对外经济贸易大学国际贸易研究所和外贸经济系长期从事资料研究工作的几位同志编写。它是我国第一部反映建国三十六年来对外经济贸易关系方面的断代史料性工具书。该书内容丰富,选编严谨,系统地记述了我国自建国以来,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来我国同世界各国和地区贸易往来、经济援助、技术合作和利用外资等方面的重大事件和基本史实,比较完整地反映出我国对外经贸发展概貌和对外经贸在我国国民经济中的重要作用,以及我国在国际事务中的重要地位。
<正> 本文参考国外在仓储数量控制方面的理论,结合我国外贸业务实际,对仓储过程中的重要参数——最佳订货批量的数学模型试做一些探讨,并分析其经济效果。仓储数量控制的研究对象及意义仓储数量控制所研究的对象是在仓库管理中为使供需系统能有节奏地运行,对所需求的商品,保持必要的储备数量。为达此目的,就要研究以多长的周期、多大的批量,对仓库的存储商品予以适时补充,使其经营效果最佳化,从而适当地调节供求,有利于出口商品的生产、收购和出口。因此,最佳订货批量是研究仓储数量控制的中心。
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采用浸提法,从膜荚黄芪(Astragalus membranaceus)中提取、纯化得到一种黄芪多糖(Astragalus Polysaccharide,简称APS),并制备其羧甲基化产物(carboxymethylated product,APS-C);以