Evolution of crystallographic alignment in Tb-Fe-B melt-spun ribbons

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lavina0526
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Ternary Tb-Fe-B ribbons were prepared via melt-spun technique under different wheel speeds of 5-25 m/s.Effect of wheel speed on the crystal structure and microstructure of the ribbons was investigated.All the ribbons quenched under different wheel speeds crystallized in single Tb2Fe14B phase with tetragon structure.Different crystallographic alignment evolutions were observed in the free side surface and wheel side surface of the ribbons.On the free-side surface,an in-plane c-axis crystal texture of Tb2Fe14B phase was found in the ribbons quenched at 5 m/s.However,with the increase in the wheel speed,the direction of the c-axis texture turns to perpendicular to the ribbon surface.On the wheel-side surface,a strong c-axis texture perpendicular to the ribbon surface was observed in the ribbons quenched at 5 m/s,and then weakened gradually with the increase in the wheel speed.Further investigation showed that the competition of the two types of temperature gradients during the quench process was responsible for the crystallographic alignment evolution in the ribbons. Ternary Tb-Fe-B ribbons were prepared via melt-spun technique under different wheel speeds of 5-25 m / s. Effect of wheel speed on the crystal structure and microstructure of the ribbons was investigated. All the ribbons quenched under different wheel speeds crystallized in single Tb2Fe14B phase with tetragon structure. Different crystallographic alignment evolutions were observed in the free side surface and wheel side surface of the ribbons.On the free-side surface, an in-plane c-axis crystal texture of Tb2Fe14B phase was found in the ribbons quenched at 5 m / s. However, with the increase in the wheel speed, the direction of the c-axis texture turns perpendicular to the ribbon surface. On the wheel-side surface, a strong c-axis texture perpendicular to the ribbon surface was observed in the ribbons quenched at 5 m / s, and then weakened gradually with the increase in the wheel speed. Further investigation showed that the competition of the two types of temperature gradients during the quench proc ess was responsible for the crystallographic alignment evolution in the ribbons.
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