Reining in Executive Pay

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:same66
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The government will curb unreasonably high executive pay in major state-owned enterprises Mai Boliang,CEO of China International Marine Containers Group Ltd.(CIMC),has made headlines the past two years as having the highest salary of any CEO of centrally administered enterprises listed in China’s yuan-denominated A-share market.Centrally administered state-owned enterprises(SOEs)include the 113 SOEs directly administered by the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council(SASAC), The government will curb unreasonably high executive pay in major state-owned enterprises Mai Boliang, CEO of China International Marine Containers Group Ltd. (CIMC), has made headlines the past two years as having the highest salary of any CEO of in China’s yuan-denominated A-share market. Centrally administered state-owned enterprises (SOEs) include the 113 SOEs directly administered by the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC),
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钻井作业必然伴随着钻井液在井内的流动及钻井液与井眼周围地层的热交换。钻井液在井内的流动及井内温度分布是影响井下压力平衡、井壁稳定等方面的重要因素 ,深入研究钻井过
太 平洋彼 岸的 拉美 ,长期 以 来很 少 引 起 我 们 的 关 注 。 但 在 2004年 上 半 年 , 有 很 多 中 国 人 在 谈 论“拉美化 ”。 令人 遗憾的 是,这一 似是 而非 的伪
The stress characteristics in the anisotropic bicrystal and tricrystal specimens were analyzed using the anisotropic elastic model, orthotropic Hill’s model a
摘要:针对单片机课程特点,设计了三段递进式教学模式,将教学分为模块化教学、工程综合实训及电子创新设计三个阶段,通过任务驱动,从知识传承、掌握基本技能,到综合训练及创新研究,学习效果明显提高,学生的实践应用能力显著增强。  关键词:单片机;三段递进式;任务驱动  作者简介:方向红(1969-),女,浙江松阳人,淮南联合大学机电系,高级讲师。(安徽 淮南 232038)  基金项目:本文系2011年淮