Analysis of the Contradictory Relationship among Family Members in Long Day' s Journey into Nig

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Long Day’ s Journey into Night is one of Eugene O’ Neill’ s (1888-1953) masterpieces, who is a great American playwright and called the father of modern American drama. This thesis aims at the analysis of the contradictions in family members in the play. The first part analyzes the contradictions between wife and husband. The second part focuses on the contradictory relationship in parents and sons. The contradictions between brothers are discussed in the third part. Through the study of the causes of the contradictory relationship among family members, the tragedy of the characters in the play will be explored to the readers, which is also the tragedy of modern Ameri can people. Long Day ’s Journey into Night is one of Eugene O’ Neill ’s (1888-1953) masterpieces, who is a great American playwright and called the father of modern American drama. This Amitabhadra at the analysis of the contradictions in family members the first part analyzes the contradictions between wife and husband. The second part focuses on the contradictory relationship in parents and sons. The contradictions between brothers are discussed in the third part. Through the study of the causes of the contradictory relationship among family members, the tragedy of the characters in the play will be explored to the readers, which is also the tragedy of modern Ameri can people.
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我科自1996年7月开始,先后为24例不同系统的癌肿患者进行了介入治疗,共介入治疗37次,取得了良好的效果。报道如下。1 临床资料 22例患者,男性16例,女性6例。年龄从23岁到75
虫子也可以引领时尚吗? 今年春季,当女人们为“昆虫”疯狂时。男士们也逐渐开始追逐配饰的自然之风。享受生活从点滴开始,小小饰物,足以让你出尽风头。一切时尚源于奇思妙想,