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时下流行车进百姓家,拥有一部自家的车。也就有了方便,但自从我有了车后,正常的工作生活被搅得十分尴尬而无奈。我是一个个体小企业家,靠几年的艰苦奋斗、日积月累、科学经营而初具规模。随着事业的发展,过去的一辆破帆篷的吉普已跟不上发展的需要,于是和家人商量购进了一辆桑塔纳,虽比不得高档名车,总算迈进了一大步。当轿车开回家的时候,着实让人高兴了一阵子,也引得别人羡慕不已。但这样的日子没有没有多久,麻烦事便接踵而来。税务局长助理打来电话,说明天局长要去地区开会,车辆不够,把你的车开来一用。局长的人开口借车,又是税务部门,怎好拂人家的面子,何况人家管着咱。不久乡企局局长电话一响:“借你的车用一天,我的车坏了。”借吧,乡企局是咱的顶头上司。我的司机小李还未回来,工商局长亲自跑来借车,很客气,伸手不打笑脸人,我说等小李回来让他 Popular cars into the common people nowadays, with a car of their own. It also has a convenient, but since I have a car, the normal work life is very awkward and stirring frustration. I am a small individual entrepreneur, relying on a few years of hard work, over time, scientific management and began to take shape. As the cause of the development, the past, a broken sailing jeep has been unable to keep up with the development needs, so he and his family bought a Santana, although not high-end luxury cars, finally made a big step forward. When the car opened home, really make people happy for a while, but also attracted others envy. But such days are not long before, troubles will follow one after another. Tax Assistant called to explain the day to go to the area meeting, the vehicle is not enough, your car come and go with one. The Secretary opened the car, but also the tax department, how to blow people’s face, not to mention people in charge of us. Soon the township bureau director phone ring: “borrow your car for a day, my car is broken. ” Borrow it, the township bureau is our top boss. I have not come back to the driver Li, Secretary for Industry and Commerce personally came to borrow a car, very polite, reach out and do not hit the smiling face, I said Li and other back to let him
水木年华,大陆男子民谣歌唱组合,从成立伊始,就烙下了深深的清华印记。乐队成员都毕业于清华大学,名字取于“水木清华”的原意。由于出身名校,被誉为中国大陆“最具人文气质”的演唱组合。  2001年9月,卢庚戌与李健发行了专辑《一生有你》,获得很多奖项;2002年李健离队,缪杰、姚勇加入;2003年姚勇离队,卢庚戌与缪杰所组成的水木年华一直走到了今天。  卢庚戌是理科状元出身的音乐才子,他的第一份工作是
最具权威性的美国《田径新 闻》评选的2004年世界男女最佳 运动员在新年第一期中揭晓,埃塞 俄比亚的男子奥运会10000米冠 军贝克勒和俄罗斯的女子撑竿跳 高奥运会金牌得主伊
Samples of FJ316 stainless steel powder alloyed with different amounts of glass2 material have been compacted at the pressure of 686MPa and sintered at 1160, 1
The recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain stably expressing recombinant human glucagon-like peptide-1(rhGLP-1) analogue, as a potential oral drug delivery
本研究的目的在于比较痉挛性脑瘫(CP)患儿和正常儿肌肉电-力学延迟(EMD)的差异。 方法 受试者为12例痉挛性CP患儿和12例年龄配对的正常儿,其中女孩13例,男孩11例,CP患儿中,4