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要了解和认识某个文化人,甚至与这个人成为朋友,你读他的书就够了。文如其人嘛。譬如韩浩月,我以为我对他就有足够的了解和认识,包括他思想深处的东西,这不仅仅因为我和他有着相似的经历,更重要的是我读了浩月的《给美女让座》。浩月的这部书,让你读下去的理由至少有三个:阅读感好。现在这个社会的人都很浮躁,写作的人浮躁,读书的人浮躁,真正像浩月这样的人、像《给美女让座》这样的书,已很少见了。我所说的阅读感,是指让人阅读下去的欲望,也是指阅读后产生的愉悦与感受。这本书正是这样,一读就放不下,读着读着,还会掩卷思考,还会会心一笑,这是语言的魅力,也是情感的魅力。书中的五辑各有特色:《有话不好说》以幽默风趣见长,煽情的语言背后是时尚的话题,自然备受小资男女喜爱了;《寂寞红尘里》以情爱故事见长,有爱情,是那种爱得死去活来,爱得无可奈何的爱情,凭空赚得多少多情男女的眼泪;《浪漫网中央》,一听名字就知道是网络上的浪漫文字,让我等缺少网络爱情的人实在眼红;《独自在路上》是一辑情感真挚的文字,写童年、青年,写亲情,写友情,写人生际遇,写世态炎凉……是什么样的人,就会从中读出什么样的感觉;《一个人的散步》正如浩月自己所言,是一组心灵小品,平实的语言写着平实的感 To understand and know a literary person, and even become friends with this man, you read his book is enough. Wen as people. For example, Han Hao months, I thought I knew him well enough, including his deep-seated things, not only because I had a similar experience with him, but more importantly, I read Hao Yue’s “ ”. Hao month of this book, let you read for at least three reasons: a good sense of reading. Now people in this society are very impetuous, impulsive people writing, reading people impetuous, the real people like the Hao Moon, such as “to the beauty of the seat,” such a book, it has been rare. What I mean by reading is the desire to read, and the pleasure and feeling after reading. This book is exactly like this, can not put aside the first reading, reading and reading, but also cover up thinking, but also a heart smile, this is the language of charm, but also the charm of emotion. The five books in the book each have their own characteristics: “There are words that are not good to say”. With a sense of humor and wit, behind the sensational language is a topic of fashion, nature is much loved by petty bourgeoisie; “Lonely Red” grows into a love story, Is the kind of love to die, love helpless love, out of thin air how many passionate men and women tears; “Romantic Network Central”, a name you know is a romantic text on the network, so I love the lack of network really jealous ; “Alone on the road” is a series of emotionally sincere writing, writing childhood, youth, writing affection, writing friendship, writing life experiences, writing the world is cold ... ... what kind of person, will read what kind of feeling; Walking alone "As Hao Moon himself said, is a group of psychedelic, plain language with a plain sense
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为进一步推动报告文学创作的发展,中国作家协会决定,举办第三届全国优秀报告文学评奖。有关事项如下: 一、范围:凡一九八三年——八四年底,在全国各地报刊公开发表的报告文