Establishment of a Model of Combined Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation in Pig

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:joyden137
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Objective To establish a model of combined pancreas kidney transplantation in pig. Methods A renoportal end to end anastomoses between the left renal vein and the distal end of portal vein were performed. Only two vascular end to side anastomoses between the donor portal vein and recipient inferior vena cava, and between the donor aortic segment including the celiac, superior mesenteric, and left renal arteries and recipient abdominal aorta were constructed. Pancreas exocrine drainage was established with duodenocystostomy. The ureterostomosis of the graft was performed. Results Satisfactory results were obtained in 11 pigs. Conclusion The method for combined pancreas kidney transplantation was reliable. Objective To establish a model of combined pancreas kidney transplantation in pig. Methods A renoportal end to end anastomoses between the left renal vein and the distal end of portal vein were performed. Only two vascular end to side anastomoses between the donor portal vein and recipient inferior Vena cava, and between the donor aortic segment including the celiac, superior mesenteric, and left renal arteries and recipient abdominal aorta were constructed. Pancreas exocrine drainage was established with duodenocystostomy. The ureterostomosis of the graft was performed. Results Satisfactory results were obtained in 11 Conclusion The method for combined pancreas kidney transplantation was reliable.
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