
来源 :河南煤炭 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:madfox1108
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河南省煤炭学会第三届会员代表大会暨学术年会于1984年4月17日至19日在郑州召开,参加会议的代表共计92人。 大会审议并通过了第二届理事会理事长李世钧同志代表理事会所作的工作报告和84年学会工作建议,省科协付主席吴百川、中国煤炭学会邓新同志、省煤炭厅党组书记、厅长刘书祥同志在会上作了重要讲话。刘书祥同志在讲话中首先传达了胡耀帮同志4月3日至4日视察河南工作的重要指示,并根据胡耀帮同志提出的强力开发河南煤炭,放手发展社队煤矿和大、中、小一齐上的指示精神,结合河南煤炭工业的现状向代表们传达了煤炭厅党组对发展河南煤炭生产建设的规划及强力开发河南煤炭的设想,使与会代 Henan Province Coal Association Third Congress and academic annual meeting April 17, 1984 to April 19 held in Zhengzhou, attended the meeting a total of 92 representatives. The meeting reviewed and approved the work report made by Comrade Li Shijun, chairman of the second council, and the work report of the council on behalf of the council in the past 84 years. Wu Baichuan, chairman of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, Deng Xin, president of China Coal Society, Comrade Liu Shu-cheng made an important speech at the meeting. In his speech, Comrade Liu Shuxiang firstly conveyed Comrade Hu Yaobang’s important instructions on the inspection of Henan’s work from April 3 to April 4 and based on the instruction of Hu Yaobang’s efforts to develop Henan coal and to let the communal coal mines and the large, medium and small coalitions go hand in hand Spirit, combined with the status quo of Henan coal industry to convey to delegates representatives of the party coalition to the development of Henan coal production and construction planning and strong development of Henan coal’s vision, so that the meeting
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