今年世界杯足球外围赛全面打响,中国队将于5月初客场迎战土库曼斯坦,拉开中国队进军法兰西的序幕,球场内的运筹帷幄在紧张地进行,球场外的商战也悄悄打响。 中国足协此次索性来个内举不避亲,把预选赛小组经营权交给其子公司——中国福特宝公司。该公司作为中国足协的直属机构,自然是近水楼台先得月。 近日,记者通过采访得知:福特宝公司雄心勃勃,准备在这次外围赛中大获
This year’s World Cup soccer qualifier started in full swing, the Chinese team will be away in early May against Turkmenistan, opened the Chinese team marched into France, the tactics within the stadium in an intense manner, the commercial war on the court also quietly started. The Chinese Football Association this time simply to a cite not to avoid the pro, the qualifying team to its subsidiaries - China Fortune company. The company as an affiliate of the Chinese Football Association, is naturally the closest premise. Recently, the reporter learned through an interview: Ford ambitious ambitious company, ready to win in this qualifying match