The magazine “Adolescent Health and Population Culture” is sponsored by the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the Population and Cultural Development Center of the State Health and Family Planning Commission, and the China Population Education and Publicity Center. It is a journal of the China Core Periodical Database. Full-color, 100 pages, 16 open, monthly, pricing 12 yuan. Postal code: 82-66, the domestic unified serial number: CN11-5125 / R, international standard serial number: ISSN1672-6502. Population Culture magazine is a comprehensive journal that integrates academic, political and literary features. It focuses on the unification of the theory and practice of population, health and family planning, the unity of academic and readability, emphasizes the depth of research, pays attention to academic frontiers Encourage academic debate. Adolescent Health magazine is a magazine for young people and their parents who undertake adolescent education, health, family planning, psychology and other workers to write a youth story, disseminate youth knowledge, solve youth problems and stimulate youth enthusiasm. The brand media approved by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television to explore and guide the healthy growth of children in adolescence.