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当前,一社多村共建的农民专业合作社引发的问题有:合作社介入导致当地村“两委”功能退化,参与主体彼此利益诉求冲突,资金链断裂的潜在风险较大,专业人才缺乏。湖北省的HF专业合作社即为典型例证。究其原因主要包括:制度的模糊性导致“社”与“村”关系不明,参与主体间利益整合机制有待优化,合作社融资渠道狭窄且资金管理能力欠缺,专业人才吸引力不足。因此,必须重新界定“村”与“社”二者关系;构建科学有效的利益整合机制;政府主导拓展融资平台,提高合作社资金管理能力;建立健全人才引进、使用和激励机制。 At present, the problems caused by farmer specialized cooperatives built by a village and a village are as follows: the intervention by the cooperatives leads to the degeneration of the functions of the local village and the “two committees”, the conflicting interests of the participating subjects, the potential risks of the rupture of the capital chain and the lack of professionals . HF professional cooperatives in Hubei Province is a typical example. The reasons are mainly as follows: the ambiguity of the system leads to the unclear relationship between the “village” and the “village”, the mechanism of integration of the interests among the participating entities to be optimized, the narrow financing channels for the cooperatives and the lack of funds management capacity, and the lack of attractiveness of the professionals. Therefore, it is necessary to redefine the relationship between “village” and “society”; to construct a scientific and effective interest integration mechanism; to lead the government to expand the financing platform and improve the fund management ability of cooperatives; and to establish and perfect a mechanism for the introduction, use and incentive of talents.
“反映”跟“反应”的读音相同,常常被误用,请看: ①反映是多种多样的:有人从中国的壮丽远景中感到欢欣鼓舞,有人为促进贸易往来而探索途径,……(高中语文课本第一册《魔鬼
当我们抱怨时,就应该想想澳大利亚人改造苍蝇的办法。连苍蝇都可以改造,世界上还有什么不能改造的东西呢? When we complain, think about ways Australians can change the
向来的写作教学,较普遍地存在着一个偏向,即充分重视了主题、语言、结构、技巧诸因素的讲习,却不同程度地轻视了材料教学,对材料的作用 There has been a general tendency
“妈妈我回来了!”随着企盼着的那熟悉的声音传进厨房,猛回头,我首先看到的是儿子被衬托得格外洁白的牙齿,然后才是他显然瘦了且成了古铜色的小脸和更加细长了的黑黢黢 “M
多少天来,我一直在念着一个姓孙的男人。那天我们想到水中央的钓台上去,早晨我们仍然奔着孙某而去。我们到村里的时候,最多六点钟。我们找到了老孙的家。他 How many days,