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针对靖边气田局部区块产水日趋严重的现状,为其选择适用的排水采气工艺。结合该气田的地质条件和目前的工艺现状,优选出泡沫排水采气工艺。首先,对产水气井进行分类,选择出具有代表性的三口典型产水气井作为研究对象;然后,以典型井产水为基准,对国内7种起泡剂和2种消泡剂进行室内评价实验,结果表明,三口井适用的起泡剂分别是UT-11B、UT-15和UT-8,最佳工艺参数:w(起泡剂)=0.30%,w(消泡剂)=0.30%,m(起泡剂):m(消泡剂)=1:1;最后,进行现场应用实验,结果表明,优选的泡排剂使1#井日均产水量增加1.88m3,日均产气量增加3780m3;2#井日均产水量增加4.0m3,日均产气量增加952m3;3#井从无法带液生产,到实验后日均产气量2.0×104m3,日均产水量28.4m3。 Aiming at the current status of water production in some blocks in Jingbian Gas Field, the suitable drainage and gas production process is selected. Combined with the geological conditions of the gas field and the current status of the technology, the foam drainage and gas production process is optimized. Firstly, we classify the wells producing water and select three typical wells for producing water and gas as research objects. Then, based on the typical well water production, seven domestic foaming agents and two kinds of defoamers are evaluated indoors The experimental results show that the best foaming agent for the three wells is UT-11B, UT-15 and UT-8 respectively. The optimum technological parameters are as follows: w = 0.30% , m (foaming agent): m (defoaming agent) = 1: 1. Finally, field experiments were carried out. The results showed that the optimal effervescency increased 1.88 m 3 daily average water yield Increasing 3,780m3. The average daily water production in Well # 2 increased by 4.0m3 and the average daily gas production increased by 952m3. From Well No-liquid production in Well # 3, the average daily gas production was 2.0 × 104m3 and the average daily water production was 28.4m3.
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本文报道89例视网膜中央静脉栓塞及38例中央动脉栓塞病人和12例其他眼病病人的血液流变学研究结果,并对其中69例中西医结合治疗前后进行了观察。 对象和方法 1.对象:(1)视网
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Two new compounds,corialins A(1) and B(2) were isolated from Coriaria nepalensis Wall.These new compounds were established as 7-hydroxy-3-[2,3-acetonide-(3-meth