Secrets of Straight-A Students

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  The kids at the top of the class get there by mastering a few basic techniques that others can readily learn. Here, according to the education experts and students them selves, are the secrets of straight-A students.
  1. Set priorities. Top students brook no intrusions on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is booted up, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. Study is business; business comes before recreation.
  2. Study anywhere or everywhere. Study times were strictly a matter of personal preference. Some worked late at night when the house was quiet. Others woke early. Still others studied as soon as they came home from school when the work was fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency.
  3. Get organized. Don’t waste time looking for a pencil or missing paper. Keep everything right where one could put one’s hands on it. Even students who don’t have a private study area remain organized. A backpack or drawer keeps essential supplies together and cuts down on time-wasting searches.
  4. Learn how to read. The secret of good reading is to be an active reader-one who continually asks questions, that leads to a full understanding of the author’s message.
  5. Schedule your time. Even the best students procrastinate sometimes. But when that happens, they face up to it. “If you want A’s, you make sure to hit the deadline,” says Christi Anderson, a top student at Lyman High School.
  6. Take good notes and use them. Reading the textbook is important, but the teacher is going to test you on what he or she emphasized. That’s what you find in your notes.
  7. Clean up your act. Neat papers are likely to get higher grades than sloppy ones. The student who turns in a neat paper is already on the way to A. It’s like being served a cheeseburger. No matter how good it really is, you can’t believe it tastes good if it’s presented on a messy plate.
  8. Speak up. Class participation goes beyond merely asking questions. It’s a matter of showing intellectual curiosity.
  9. Study together. Asian-Americans, on average, scored higher than other minority students from similar academic backounds. For they discussed homework problems together, tried different approaches and explained their solutions to one another. The others, by contrast, studied alone, spent most of their time reading and rereading the text, and tried the same approach time after time even if it was unsuccessful.
  10. Test yourself. Students who make up possible test questions often find many of the same questions on the real exam and thus score higher.
  11. Do more than you’re asked. Part of learning is practicing. And the more you practice, the more you learn.
  The most important “secret” of the super-achievers is not so secret. For almost all straight-A students, the contribution of their parents was crucial. From infancy, the parents imbued them with a love for learning. They set high standards for their kids, and held them to those standards. They encouraged their sons and daughters in their studies but did not do the work for them. In short, the parents impressed the lessons of responsibility on their kids and the kids delivered.
  1. 确定优先做的事。尖子学生不能容忍学习时间受到侵占。一旦他们打开书本或电脑,他们就不接电话,不看电视,不吃零食。学习是正经事,正经事比娱乐重要。
  2. 随时随地地学习。学习时间严格上说是个人的喜好。有些人喜欢在夜深人静时学习,有些人喜欢早起用功,还有的人趁热打铁,从学校回来就开始学习。但他们一致认为学习贵在持之以恒。
  3. 有条理。不要为找一支铅笔或丢失的纸张而浪费时间。把所有的东西都放在手边。即使没有独自学习空间的学生也要有条有理。把必需品放在背包或抽屉里可以减少找东西的时间。
  4. 学会阅读。读得好的秘诀就是做一个积极的阅读者——要不断地提出问题,这样做会使你完全理解作者的意图。
  5. 安排好时间。即便是最优秀的学生有时也免不了拖拖拉拉的,但出现了这种情况以后他们会勇敢地面对。“如果你想得到A,就必须在截止日期前完成。”莱门高中的优等生克利斯蒂·安德森如是说。
  6. 做好笔记,并充分利用它。阅读课本很重要,但老师测试的重点是他/她强调的内容。而这些内容能在笔记中找到。
  7. 书写整洁。整洁的试卷比满是污迹的试卷更容易得高分。交整洁试卷的学生已经离A不远了。这有点像上一盘干酪汉堡,不管他多么美味可口,如果它装在一个脏兮兮的盘子里,你就没法相信它味美了。
  8. 大胆发言。课堂参与不仅限于提出问题,还能表现对知识的好奇心。
  9. 共同学习。按平均数计算,亚裔学生的成绩要比学习背景相同的其他少数族裔学生的成绩好一些,因为亚裔学生在一起讨论作业中的问题、尝试各种不同的解答方法、并相互解释答案。相反,其他少数族裔的学生自己学习,他们花很多时间反复阅读课文,一遍又一遍地尝试同样的解答方法,即使这方法并不能奏效。
  10. 自测。经常出题考自己的学生常发现在真正的考试中,会碰到很多雷同的题目,他们当然能得高分了。
  11. 超额练习。学习很大程度上就是练习,练习得越多,学到的东西就越多。
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