在今年的抗洪抢险斗争中,人民解放军和武警部队发挥了突击队和中流砥柱的作用,作出了巨大的贡献,建立了卓越的功勋,赢得举国上下的高度赞誉,也受到国际社会的广泛好评。 在这个隆重的大会上,我代表党中央、国务院、中央军委,向参加抗洪抢险斗争的人民解放军、武警部队官兵和民兵预备役人员,致以崇高的敬意!向受到军委、总部表彰奖励的先进单位、先进个人和英雄模范,表示热烈的祝贺!对在抗洪抢险中英勇献身的革命烈
In this year’s flood fighting and rescue campaign, the People’s Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force have played a role as commandos and mainstay and made tremendous contributions. They have established outstanding meritorious services and won high praise from all over the country. They are also widely acclaimed by the international community. At this grand convention, on behalf of the Central Party Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, I extend my highest respect to the People’s Liberation Army, the Armed Police Corps, and the militia reservists who participated in the fight against floods and rescues. To advanced units commended and rewarded by the Central Military Commission and the CMC , Advanced individuals and exemplary hero, expressed his warm congratulation! In the flood fighting and rescue heroic dedication