Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of hydrogenrich water alleviate ethanol-induced fatty liv

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abwyn12
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AIM To investigate the effects of hydrogen-rich water(HRW) treatment on prevention of ethanol(Et OH)-induced early fatty liver in mice.METHODS In vitro reduction of hydrogen peroxide by HRW was determined with a chemiluminescence system. Female mice were randomly divided into five groups: control,Et OH,Et OH + silymarin,Et OH + HRW and Et OH + silymarin + HRW. Each group was fed a Lieber-De Carli liquid diet containing Et OH or isocaloric maltose dextrin(control diet). Silymarin was used as a positive control to compare HRW efficacy against chronic Et OH-induced hepatotoxicity. HRW was freshly prepared and given at a dosage of 1.2 m L/mouse trice daily. Blood and liver tissue were collected after chronic-binge liquid-diet feeding for 12 wk.RESULTS The in vitro study showed that HRW directly scavenged hydrogen peroxide. The in vivo study showed that HRW increased expression of acyl ghrelin,which was correlated with food intake. HRW treatment significantly reduced Et OH-induced increases in serum alanine aminotransferase,aspartate aminotransferase,triglycerol and total cholesterol levels,hepatic lipid accumulation and inflammatory cytokines,including tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-α) and interleukin(IL)-6. HRW attenuated malondialdehyde level,restored glutathione depletion and increased superoxide dismutase,glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities in the liver. Moreover,HRW reduced TNF-α and IL-6 levels but increased IL-10 and IL-22 levels.CONCLUSION HRW protects against chronic Et OH-induced liver injury,possibly by inducing acyl ghrelin to suppress the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 and induce IL-10 and IL-22,thus activating antioxidant enzymes against oxidative stress. AIM To investigate the effects of hydrogen-rich water (HRW) treatment on prevention of ethanol (EtOH) -induced early fatty liver in mice. METHODS In vitro reduction of hydrogen peroxide by HRW was determined with a chemiluminescence system. Female mice were randomly selected EtOH + EtOH + silymarin, EtOH + HRW and EtOH + silymarin + HRW. Each group was fed a Lieber-De Carli liquid diet containing EtOH or isocaloric maltose dextrin (control diet). Silymarin was used as a positive control to compare HRW efficacy against chronic Et OH-induced hepatotoxicity. HRW was freshly prepared and given at a dosage of 1.2 mL / mouse trice daily. Blood and liver tissue were collected after chronic-binge liquid-diet The in vivo study showed that HRW increased expression of acyl ghrelin, which was correlated with food intake. HRW treatment significantly reduced EtOH-induced increases in serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, triglycerol and total cholesterol levels, hepatic lipid accumulation and inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) and interleukin (IL) -6. superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities in the liver. Moreover, HRW reduced TNF-α and IL-6 levels but increased IL-10 and IL-22 levels. CONCLUSION HRW protects against chronic Et OH-induced liver injury, possibly by inducing acyl ghrelin to suppress the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 and induce IL-10 and IL-22, thus activating antioxidant enzymes against oxidative stress.
认识索拉拉的人都知道:这个小女巫什么都好,就一样不好——爱脸红。  陌生人向她打招呼,她脸红;老师叫她回答问题,她脸红;就连上次飞行课上,被一只鹦鹉夸了一句,她都脸红,还差点儿歪歪扭扭地摔下来。  这可急坏了罗娜老师。飞行考核马上就要开始了,凡是不达标的学生都要留级!她只能再三提醒索拉拉,考试的时候千万别紧张,别脸红。  飞行考核终于来了!这天,湛蓝的天空中飘着朵朵白云。飞行队伍犹如正在迁徙的雁阵
看到李亚鹏和王菲离婚的消息时正和朋友吃饭,抗拒娱乐的朋友说娱乐圈的分分合合那么正常,又有什么值得感慨?我没兴趣探究他们分手或离婚的八卦流言,倒是明星艺人留下的分手文案很值得观摩。  王菲留下一句:“这一世,夫妻缘尽至此。我还好,你也保重。”李亚鹏深情回应:“你注定是一个传奇,爱你如初。”我相信明星艺人的分手文案一定是用心打造过的,既不能因为分手的负面信息影响自己形象,还要尽可能地保证围观者看到宣言
<正> 在比较文学中,有个近来很少有人探讨的题目,那就是在古代时期的和文艺复兴时期的西方作品中占统治地位的文学流派体系的起源问题,甚至可以说是流派体系的心理基础问题。这些文学流派大都是指“诗”的流派。……现在,我所讨论的是一些传统的流派,诸如:悲剧诗,史诗,哀歌,墓志铭,格言诗,书信诗,歌,颂诗,讽刺诗,以及本文的主题——田园诗。象波普这样一位批评家在探索田园诗的