单路话音在ATM AAL5上的传输

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AAL5 is originally designed to transport fast speed data,yet it can still be used to transport voice.When this technology is employed,the most popular AAL5 ATM stations will beable to transport voice at the same time, without any other cost such as installing AAL1. In thispaper,the technology of transporting voice over AAL5 was investigated from the aspect of ATMadaptation, source clock recovery and delay. AAL5 is originally designed to transport fast speed data, yet it can still be used to transport voice. Now this technology is employed, the most popular AAL5 ATM stations will be able to transport voice at the same time, without any other cost such as installing AAL1 . In this paper, the technology of transporting voice over AAL5 was investigated from the aspect of ATMadaptation, source clock recovery and delay.
朱瑛男,1960生,洪泽县高良涧镇中心小学教导主任,语文特级教师。 19年来,朱瑛一直从事毕业班的语文教学工作,潜心研究“自能读书,乐中学习”课题,着力培养学生素质,逐步形成
本文针对钛管焊接易出现的低温氧化和气孔缺陷,设计了局部保护罩,并制定了合理的焊接工艺,获得了RT一次合格率98%的优质焊缝。 Aiming at the low temperature oxidation an