伴随着电脑的迅速普及,打印机成了电脑用户的下一个选择目标,打印机市场也成了商家的必争之地。市面上,打印机产品琳琅满目,产品不断翻新。在品牌众多、型号繁杂的打印机中道出孰优孰劣,哪个最佳,实属难事。但在笔者曾用过的为数不少的打印机中,Canon LBP-660激光打印机给笔者印象颇佳,利用它进行文件处理,使自己在工作之余,颇有轻松快乐之感。而这一切,得益于LBP-660所具有的诱人的功能、便捷的操作方式和独特的打印效果。
With the rapid popularization of computers, printers have become the next choice of computer users, and the printer market has become a must for merchants. The market, printer products dazzling, product constantly refurbished. In the many brands, models complicated printer out of which one is better, which is the best, it is difficult. However, the author has used a large number of printers, Canon LBP-660 laser printer to the author quite good impression, the use of it for document processing, so I spare time, quite relaxed and happy feeling. And all this, thanks to the attractive features of the LBP-660, easy operation and unique printing.