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一刘书文的苍狼牌摩托车驶达边村时,正是冬阳最温暖的时刻,树下的鸡,左扒右扒,扒出了一地的新泥。在这泰县最北边的旮旯里,无论刘书文是横着走,还是竖着跑地择路,从乡政府到边村都要好些时间。这里的山,是普通的山,水也是普通的水,而村里的人却不怎么普通。比如磨石。“磨石”是磨石的外号,因屁股大出名,他爸说,你咋这么笨呢?连转个身都慢腾腾的。他姐说,像磨石啊。于是人们就觉得把他叫成磨石再合适不过了。他去南方打工, A Liu Shuwen licensing Wolf motorcycle to reach the edge of the village, it is the most warm winter sun, the chicken under the tree, left grilled right grilled, pick out a new mud. In the most northerly district of Taixian, no matter whether Liu Shuwen runs sideways or runs vertically, it takes more time from the township government to the border village. The mountains here are ordinary mountains, water is also ordinary water, and people in the village are not very ordinary. Such as grinding stone. “Grindstone ” is the nickname of the millstone, famous for his ass, his dad said, why are you so stupid? Even turn a slow body. His sister said, like a millstone ah. So people think he called a millstone is appropriate. He went to work in the south,
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弟弟打工遇难身亡获赔偿,不料兄长暗生邪念独吞赔偿金,由此引发一场父母兄弟叔侄之间的亲情官司,孰是孰非,法律自有公断。请看-- His brother was killed and was found dea
1月24日 晴  孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单。从此以后,日出与过去无关。  ——题记  风依旧刮着,空气的味道还没变,柳条仍然在摇曳,蝴蝶仍旧在狂恋着花,这里的一切都未曾改变。只是曾经的一群桀骜不驯的身影在日落的一刻消逝了,走到地平线的尽头。  风吹起如花般破碎的流年,我独自站在这片天底下静静的……发呆。半年之前,我们还踮脚站在友情的天空下,一起疯,一起哭,一起笑,一起走。  忘不了,
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