最高人民法院 国家计委等部门关于在工程建设领域共同开展预防职务犯罪工作中加强联系配合的通知

来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lialianing
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近年来,随着国民经济持续增长,工程建设规模不断扩大,建筑业迅速发展,建成一大批工业、社会公益性基础设施和民用建筑,在改变城乡面貌,提高人民生活水平,增强综合国力等方面作出了很大贡献。同时,在工程建设中还存在一些问题,主要是一些地方和单位在房屋建筑、市政、交通、水利等工程建设项目,在工程项目审批,勘察、设计、施工、监理、重要设备和材料采购的招标投标,工程质量监督、认证、检验、验收等环节,存在贪污贿赂、挪用公款,以及徇私舞弊、渎职等职务犯罪现象,有的还比较严重,给国家和人民利益造成重大损失。多年来,全国各地检察机关与发展计划、建设、交通、水利等部门紧密合作,在工程建设领域积极开展预防职务犯罪工作,取得了一定的成效,探索出一些行之有效的做法和经验。 In recent years, with the continuous growth of the national economy, the scale of engineering construction has continued to expand, the construction industry has developed rapidly, and a large number of industrial and social welfare infrastructure and civil buildings have been built. This has changed the face of urban and rural areas, improved the people’s living standards, and enhanced their overall national strength. Made a great contribution. At the same time, there are still some problems in the construction of the project, mainly in some places and units in building construction, municipal, transportation, water conservancy and other engineering construction projects, in the project approval, survey, design, construction, supervision, procurement of important equipment and materials In the bidding and tendering, project quality supervision, certification, inspection and acceptance, there are phenomena of corruption and bribery, misappropriation of public funds, and crimes such as favoritism, malpractice, malfeasance, etc., some of which are still serious and cause significant losses to the interests of the country and the people. Over the years, procuratorial agencies throughout the country have worked closely with development planning, construction, transportation, and water conservancy departments to actively conduct work-related crime prevention work in the field of engineering construction. They have achieved certain results and explored some effective practices and experiences.
理论上讲 ,对某一行业实施反垄断措施 ,必须具备两个前提 :一是该行业具有垄断的市场结构 (即市场垄断性 ) ;二是垄断者有垄断行为。水利是国民经济的基础设施 ,是以提供公共
一.业绩综述 2001年1-9月,我国白酒企业实现销售收入364.54亿元,同比增长3%;实现利税总额92.01亿元,其中利润30.10亿元,同比下跌5.20%;按企业类型分:大型企业115家,实现利税总