
来源 :湖北政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongbeiljb
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今年入汛以来,我省长江流域暴发了1954年以来最为严重恶劣的组合洪水。许多地方出现了历史上罕见的特大暴雨,山洪暴发,水冲沙压,山体滑坡,垸堤溃口。洪涝灾害造成的损失十分惨重,并给全年财政收支平衡带来很大困难。抗洪保平安,救灾保稳定,这是我们面临的中心任务。全省上下、社会各界都要服从这个大局。各级政府一定要通盘考虑,精打细算,科学安排,量入为出,严格执行预算,严格控制支出,严格财经纪律。要大力提倡过紧日子,自觉压缩开支,集中财力保灾民生活,保工资发放,保政策兑现,保社会稳定,坚决实现今年的财政工作目标。为此,现就严格控制财政支出有关问题紧急通知如下: Since the beginning of flood season this year, the most serious and severe combined flood in the Yangtze River valley in our province has been the outbreak since 1954. In many places there have been rare historical torrential rains, flash floods, water and sand pressure, landslides, dike embankment mouth. The losses caused by floods are very heavy and bring great difficulties to the fiscal balance of the year. Anti-flood security, disaster relief stability, which is the central task we face. The whole province, all sectors of society must obey this overall situation. Governments at all levels must think in all aspects, make earnest and earnest calculations, make scientific arrangements, make every effort to carry out expenditure, strictly implement the budget, strictly control expenditures and strictly enforce financial and economic discipline. We must vigorously advocate a tightening day, conscientiously reduce expenditures, focus on financial and disaster relief people’s livelihood, guarantee the payment of wages, guarantee policies and ensure the stability of the society and resolutely achieve the goal of this year’s financial work. To this end, we hereby urgently issue the following urgent notice on strictly controlling the financial expenditure:
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梅溪  在北高山之阳,去孝感井二十步,溪至小,以井为原,予家其北。溪之南有水如带,通谓之梅溪,溪名旧矣,莫知所自,予植梅以实之。  我向梅花溪上家,几看清浅浸横斜。  手栽木已如人老,雪鬓萧疏对雪花。  我顺着这条以王十朋的别号“梅溪”命名的溪流顺流而下,再次来到王十朋的家乡——四都梅溪。  其实对于王十朋,我并不陌生。上幼儿园的时候,就听爸爸讲起过他。那时真觉得王十朋好厉害呀,出生在四都这么一个
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