无害性杂音或功能性杂音(innocent orfunctional murmurs)是指在没有心血管疾病的情况下出现的杂音。其产生机理系通过正常瓣膜口或流出道的血流速度加快而产生。无害性杂音以儿童为多见,在35岁以上的成年人中,除非有明显的高心排出状态或胸廓畸形,否则,无害性杂音较为少见。对无害性杂音的识别颇为重要。因为如将其误为病理性杂音,则可诊断有先天性心脏病或风湿病或病毒性心肌炎等器质性心脏病变。徒然增加儿童及其家属的精神和经济负担,甚至影响青少年的升学、就业、参军等。反之,如
Innocent or functional murmurs are murmurs that occur in the absence of cardiovascular disease. The mechanism of its generation through the normal valve orifice or outflow tract to speed up the blood flow generated. Harmless murmur is more common in children, in adults over the age of 35, unless there is a clear high cardiac discharge status or thoracic deformity, or harmless murmur is less common. Recognition of innocuous noise is important. Because if mistaken for pathological murmur, you can diagnose congenital heart disease or rheumatoid or viral myocarditis and other organic heart disease. In vain, increase the mental and financial burden on children and their families and even affect young people’s further education, employment and joining the army. On the contrary, such as