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鹰潭市委、市政府把科技创新工作摆在突出位置,坚持在创新驱动发展战略上谋划新举措,在经济发展新常态中寻求新动力,在大众创业、万众创新热潮下谱写新篇章。2015年,市科技创新工作迈出新步伐:新认定高新技术企业21家,同比增长133.3%,增幅列全省第二位;专利申请量1391件,同比增长102.5%,增幅列全省第一位;有6项成果通过2015年省科学技术奖专家评审,为历年之最;科技进步监测排名列全省第二位;龙虎山风景名胜区获批国家可持续发展实验区。 Yingtan municipal Party committee and municipal government put science and technology innovation in a prominent position. They insisted on planning new measures in their innovation-driven development strategy, sought new impetus in the new normalcy of economic development, and wrote a new chapter under the general public entrepreneurship and the mass innovation boom. In 2015, the municipal science and technology innovation took a new step: 21 new and high-tech enterprises were newly identified, up 133.3% over the same period of the previous year, ranking the second in the province; the number of patent applications was 1,391, up 102.5% Bit; six achievements passed the 2015 provincial science and Technology Award expert review, as the most calendar year; scientific and technological progress monitoring ranked second in the province; Longhushan Scenic Area approved the national sustainable development experimental area.
Decadal circulation differences between more and less rainfall periods in the annually first rainy season of Guangxi and their association with sea surface temp
A simple approach for estimating the equivalent diffusion for diagnosing tracer transport is proposed. Two different expressions are derived; one is based direc
K2000 Series总线型数控系统●KSSB伺服总线式结构,高速、高精度控制,能加工精密模具●8.4/10.4英寸高分辨率彩色LCD显示屏●最大8个进给轴控制,轴名、轴类型可自定义●纳米
摘要:全球关注的两大环境问题——温室气体减排和臭氧层保护,都与人类活动有关。减少建筑用能是其中的重要一环。因此,本文针对目前节能热不断升温,建筑节能源潮正在以现代新技术为基础兴起,提出了怎样通过建筑设计达成建筑节能。  关键词:建筑能耗节能设计     建筑群的规划设计与建筑物合理与否,对冬季获得太阳辐射热和夏季通风降温是十分重要的。配置合理的绿化,不仅是减少热岛效应,使其对局部气候影响降至最低程
[摘要] 随着全国范围内大批的农村实现饮水安全全覆盖,农村自来水普及率大幅提升,农村饮水安全工作的重点逐渐由工程建设转向了工程管理。本文着重分析了农村饮水安全工程管理工作中存在的问题,提出了相应的解决措施。  [关键词] 农村饮水安全工 程管理  中图分类号:G812.42 文献标识码:A 文章编号:   一、农村饮水安全工作的现状  解决农村居民饮水安全问题,实现供水水质达标,涉及广大农民群众切