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  Carlos: (yawning) I’m so tired.
  Sarah: Poor you. You’re working so hard at that restaurant.
  Carlos: I’ll need a really strong coffee to help me wake up please Tony.
  Tony: Is it a shock, having a real job?
  Carlos: Very funny. I used to work here, remember?
  Tony: Hmmm.
  (door’s open)
  Johnny: Hi!
  Carlos/Sarah/Tony: Hi Johnny!
  Johnny: Hi guys! How’s it going?
  Carlos: Busy. I’m always busy.
  Johnny: I know exactly what you mean, mate. So the restaurant’s going well?
  Carlos: Not bad. After the first night when I gave away all the food free! Now I make people pay—so there aren’t as many!
  Johnny: I’m not surprised!
  Carlos: But it’s very tiring.
  Sarah: What time did you finish last night?
  Carlos: Not until two o’clock in the morning—and it’s like that nearly every night.
  Johnny: What time do you start work?
  Carlos: Around lunchtime.
  Sarah: It’s a long day.
  Johnny: Yes, but you have to work hard if you want to be a millionaire.
  Sarah: Are you a millionaire yet Johnny?
  Johnny: Erm, not yet…no…but I will be soon! All: (Laughter)
  Johnny: (1)indignant) I work really hard.
  Tony: Then why are you always in my coffee shop then?
  Johnny: Well, it’s important to take a break as well. Work hard, play hard! That’s me!
  Carlos: It’ll be a long time before I’m a millionaire.
  Sarah: But are you enjoying it?
  Carlos: Yes, yes I am actually. It’s great being my own boss.
  Sarah: That’s important. As long as you enjoy what you do.
  (door’s open)
  Olivia: Hello everyone!
  All: Hi Olivia!
  Olivia: Hey Carlos! I’m glad you’re here—I’ve got something to tell you.
  Carlos: Ah? What’s that?
  Olivia: There were two customers in my shop yesterday—I 2)overheard them talking.
  Johnny: “Overheard”? I bet you were listening to them!
  Olivia: (3)mock indignant) Are you saying I’m 4)nosy?
  Johnny: No, but you do “overhear” lots of things!
  Olivia: I’m just interested in people, that’s all. All: (laughter)
  Olivia: Well, as I was saying, there were two customers in my shop, and they were talking about your restaurant.
  Carlos: Really? Are you sure?
  Sarah: What a 5)coincidence.
  Olivia: Yeah—“Rodizio” right?
  Carlos: That’s the name.
  Olivia: They were saying it was really good.   Carlos: Great.
  Olivia: And then one said he had a friend who’s a restaurant 6)critic.
  Johnny: A restaurant critic?
  Olivia: Yeah, you know—one of those people who goes and eats in restaurants then writes about them in a newspaper.
  Johnny: Mmm…Sounds like a great job to me!
  Sarah: Yeah—I’d love to do that!
  Olivia: Anyway, he said he would tell his friend to come to your restaurant and write a review! Carlos: Wow!
  Sarah: That’s great news Carlos—I hope you get a good review!
  Carlos: So do I. It’s really important. These people are really influential—if they write a bad review, it can be terrible.
  (door’s open)
  Harry/Bindyu: Hello all!
  All: Hello Harry! Hi Bindyu! Hey!
  Johnny: Carlos is just telling us his good news.
  Harry: What’s that mate?
  Olivia: An important restaurant critic is going to write a review of his restaurant!
  Bindyu: That’s good.
  Harry: Yeah, great. Who, who’s the person?
  Carlos: That’s the problem. I have no idea.
  Bindyu: Man or woman?
  Carlos: Don’t know.
  Harry: When are they coming?
  Carlos: Don’t know.
  Bindyu: Which newspaper do they write for?
  Carlos: I don’t even know that!
  Bindyu: If it’s The Times, it’s really important. Harry: But even if it’s only the local newspaper, that’s important too.
  Johnny: Bindyu—you’re a journalist, aren’t you?
  Bindyu: Yes, that’s right. I am.
  Carlos: Of course—I’d forgotten. Could you do me a favour?
  Bindyu: Sure. What is it?
  Carlos: You might have some inside information.
  Bindyu: “Inside information”? What do you mean?
  Carlos: All your professional connections. Do you think you could ask some of your other journalist friends if they know who the critic is? And when they’re coming? Which newspaper they write for? That kind of thing…
  Bindyu: Well, I could, but to be honest I don’t do that much journalism anymore…a few things for the local paper, that’s all.
  Carlos: Oh.
  Bindyu: And I’m really busy at the moment.
  Carlos: Of course.
  Bindyu: The wedding.
  Sarah: How could we forget?
  Bindyu: But…I’ll see what I can do.
  Carlos: Thanks!
  Bindyu: Anyway, about the wedding, me and Harry need to have a talk about a few things. Harry: Yeah, we do.
  Johnny: Ah…

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Stay True to Yourself  在Danny Collins生日那天,经纪人Frank送上一份特殊的礼物,那就是John Lennon在1971年亲手写给Danny的一封信。  Frank: So, I know how 1)fanatical you are about Lennon. So I started 2)futzing around on the Internet, a
摘 要:当前,有关小学信息技术课堂教学中学生学习兴趣培养策略的研究较多。要想有效促进学生对信息技术的学习兴趣,调动其积极性,必须进一步明确课程标准,让学生明白信息技术的意义,同时在教学中创设相关教学情境,激发学生的求知欲望,借助竞赛等形式,提高学生学习的积极性。另外,还需要加强对学生的引导,促进其在学习中的合作探究。  关键词:小学;信息技术课堂;学生兴趣  当前有一个现象我们不能忽视,现在多数小