近年来,中小学生近视新发病率逐年升高;小学毕业进入初中阶段,新发病率有急剧升高的趋势,防近工作已成为学校卫生保健工作的中心任务。因此,当前对学生近视眼防治最佳时期的研究,具有现实意义。 1 对象与方法 1.1 对象:从市内大东、和平两区选择五所中学、七所小学,筛选小学一年级至高中三年级
In recent years, the incidence of myopia has risen year by year in elementary and middle school students; when primary school graduates enter junior high school, the new incidence rate has a sharp rise, and prevention work has become the central task of school health care. Therefore, the current research on the prevention and treatment of myopia for students in the best period has practical significance. 1 Objects and methods 1.1 Subjects: Select five middle schools and seven primary schools from the Dadong and Heping districts of the city, and screen the first grade of elementary school to the third grade of high school