乙型肝炎是一种全身性疾病,常合并各系统的病变,但合并急性脊髓炎较为少见,我们收治一例,现报告如下: 患者男性,38岁,住院号184756。入院前一月出现发热、头痛、食欲不振,继而尿色黄如浓茶,眼巩膜黄染。10天后到当地医院检查肝功能;II30~u,凡登白试验直接间接反应均强阳性,CCFT(+++)、SGPT440~u。作保肝治疗症状渐减轻。入当地医院前1天无明显诱因出现两下肢上行性麻痛,2天后排尿困难、尿急、尿痛,用呋喃咀啶无好转;入我院前4天出现尿潴留,两下肢瘫痪、痛觉消失,未排大便而转入本院。既往健康。
Hepatitis B is a systemic disease, often combined with the system of lesions, but the merger of acute myelitis is relatively rare, we admitted to a case, are reported as follows: Male patient, 38 years old, hospital number 184756. One month prior to admission, fever, headache and loss of appetite appeared, followed by dark yellow urine like tea and sclera. 10 days later to the local hospital to check liver function; II30 ~ u, Vandenbai test were directly positive indirect reaction, CCFT (+++), SGPT440 ~ u. For the treatment of liver symptoms gradually reduced. Into the local hospital one day before no obvious incentive to appear two lower extremity ascending numbness, 2 days after dysuria, urgency, dysuria, furanidate no improvement; into our hospital 4 days before urinary retention, paralysis of both lower extremities, pain Disappeared, did not row stool and transferred to the hospital. Past health.