
来源 :上海水务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pingpinggangan
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今年2月10日起施行的国家标准《室外排水设计规范》,首次明确城镇内涝防治设计标准。根据新标准,关于内涝防治设计重现期,特大城市为50~100年,大城市为30~50年,中等城市和中小城市为20~30年。这就意味着,特大城市内涝防治设施至少应能抵御50~100年一遇的暴雨。根据地面积水设计标准,必须同时达到两项要求,一是居民住宅和工商业建筑物的底层不进水,二是道路中一条车道的积水深度不超过15cm。新标准还提高了雨水管渠 February 10 this year, the implementation of the national standard “outdoor drainage design specifications” for the first time clear design standards for urban waterlogging prevention and control. According to the new standard, the design period for prevention and control of waterlogging is 50-100 years for mega-cities, 30-50 years for mega-cities, 20-30 years for medium- and small-sized cities. This means that mega-city waterlogging prevention facilities should be able to withstand at least 50-100 years of heavy rainfall. According to the surface water design standards, must meet the two requirements at the same time, first, the bottom of residential buildings and industrial and commercial buildings are not water, and second, the water depth of a lane in the road does not exceed 15cm. The new standard also raises storm water pipelines
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已证实还原型尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NADPH )黄递酶即是一氧化氮合酶 ,因而可应用简便的 NADPH黄递酶组织化学染色法来观察机体组织一氧化氮合酶的存在与分布 ,从而间接了
Objective. - To investigate changes in the levels of calcitonin gene- related peptide and its intracellular messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate in serial s
目的 研究核酶抗丙型肝炎病毒(HCV) 的有效切割位点并获得高效、特异、无毒、价廉的HCV 特异性反式核酶。方法 根据文献报道的序列设计、合成HCV5′非结构(NC) 区和核心(C)
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