
来源 :商用汽车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szcbg
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为摆脱困境,化解压力,客运企业必须加大车辆更新力度,提高客车选型水平,并要兼顾客车运行效率、安全舒适性、技术水平和运营成本等方面的因素进行车辆结构调整,提升客车运行效益。据交通运输部统计数据,截至2012年底,我国高速公路里程达9.62万km,超过加拿大,仅次于美国,居世界第2位。到“十二五”末,我国高速公路总里程将达到10.8万km。高速公路的大规模建成通车,无疑为公路客运的发展创造了机会。 In order to get out of the predicament and resolve the pressure, the passenger transport enterprises must step up the renewal of vehicles and improve the selection of passenger cars, and adjust the vehicle structure to take the bus operation efficiency, safety and comfort, technical level and operating costs into consideration benefit. According to statistics from the Ministry of Transport, as of the end of 2012, the mileage of our country’s expressways reached 96,200 km, surpassing that of Canada, second only to the United States and ranking the second in the world. By the end of the 12th Five-Year Plan, the total mileage of our expressways will reach 108,000 km. The large-scale completion of the expressway opened to traffic undoubtedly created an opportunity for the development of highway passenger transport.
对可变径稳定器作了初步分析。指出井眼轨道控制系统执行机构设计的理论基础是井下控制机构设计学。针对可变径稳定器类执行机构 ,按照控制形式、控制信号和结构形式作了分类
目的 拟用SPECT脑血流灌注显像研究甲状腺功能亢进症(简称甲亢)患者脑血流改变模式,并分析可能相关因素.方法 年龄、性别、文化程度相匹配的25例甲亢患者和22名健康对照者于静脉注射~(99)Tc~m-双半胱乙酯(ECD)1110 MBq后30 min行静息SPECT脑灌注显像.应用统计参数图5.0软件(SPM5)对甲亢和对照者脑灌注图像进行体素对体素的团体t检验(P<0.05,校正).应用基于T
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介绍了应用醋酸铅反应速率法检测天然气中硫化氢的方法。通过试验和数理 统计方 法,验证和确定了采用单光路检测仪器分析方法的重复性。还介绍了ASTM D4084规定的双光 路检测
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