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人工耳蜗是近10年来发展起来的一个高新的技术领域,在耳聋的治疗方面取得了突破性进展,语后聋植入者半数以上能够正常使用电话,语前聋儿童不仅能听懂讲话,还会学习说话,从而进入主流社会。人工耳蜗是目前可植入人体内的最复杂、运用最成功的人造器官,也是当前使全聋患者恢复听觉的惟一有效的治疗措施。欧美已将人工耳蜗作为重度耳聋的常规治疗方法,目前全球已有5万多名人工耳蜗使用者。我国从1995年引进国外多通道人工耳蜗以来,已经有近1000名耳聋成人和聋童安装了人工耳蜗。尽管近年的手术例数增长较快,但人工耳蜗使用者的人数与我国众多的聋人数目是极不相称的。影响耳聋患者接受人工耳蜗治疗的原因,除了人工耳蜗装置的价格因素外,还有患者、听力工作者、言语康复教师和耳科医生对人工耳蜗的认知以及医院和康复机构的条件等。欧美等国都有很多具有国际标准的人工耳蜗中心和康复机构,可以为聋人和聋童提供良好的听力评估、手术、术后调试和听觉言语康复。我国由于开展人工耳蜗工作时间较短,基础相对薄弱,与发达国家存在较大的差距。 The cochlear implant is a high-tech field developed in the past 10 years. It has made breakthrough progress in the treatment of deafness. More than half of the post-lingual implant recipients can use the phone normally. Before the language, deaf children not only can understand the speech, but also Will learn to speak and enter the mainstream society. The cochlear implant is the most complex and most successful artificial organ that can be implanted into the human body at present, and it is also the only effective treatment measure for restoring hearing to patients with total hearing loss. European and American cochlear implants have been used as a common treatment for severe deafness. Currently, there are more than 50,000 cochlear implant users worldwide. Since the introduction of foreign multi-channel cochlear implants in China in 1995, nearly 1,000 deaf adults and deaf children have installed cochlear implants. Although the number of surgeries has increased rapidly in recent years, the number of users of cochlear implants is extremely inconsistent with the number of deaf people in China. The causes of deafness patients receiving cochlear implants include, in addition to the price factor of cochlear implant devices, patients, hearing workers, speech rehabilitation teachers, and ear doctors, the recognition of cochlear implants, and the conditions of hospitals and rehabilitation institutions. In Europe, America and other countries, there are many cochlear implant centers and rehabilitation institutions with international standards, which can provide hearing and evaluation, surgery, postoperative adjustment and hearing and speech rehabilitation for deaf and deaf children. Due to the short working time for cochlear implants in our country, the foundation is relatively weak, and there is a big gap with the developed countries.
目的 验证骨髓细胞是否可以转化为肝细胞。方法 通过放射致死剂量照射的BALB/C雌性小鼠接受周龄相配的同系雄性小鼠的全骨髓移植后 ,分别在移植后 1、2、4周和 2个月分批处
苹果树腐烂病(简称苹腐。Valsa mali Miyabe et Yamada),作为一个重要病害问题,主要发生于我国、日本和朝鲜。我国和日本正下力量进行研究。本世纪后半期,在同类病害中国外
要通过多种形式 ,广泛开展SARS防治知识的宣传 ,教育群众提高自我防范意识 ,配合做好预防、控制工作 ,并注意针对疫情的变化调整宣传教育重点。充分发挥媒体的舆论导向作用 ,
二、学法守法、摆正关系、加强自律是当前防范医疗纠纷的重要措施 1、学习宣传贯彻《执业医师法》等医事法律法规及相关的法律法规《中华人民共和国执业医师法》(以下简称《