The Re-evaluation of ~(84)Rb Decay Data

来源 :中国核科技报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdofu0q84313480
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The decay data for ~(84)Rb were re-evaluated. The comprehensive analysis and theoretical calculations were done. The energies and intensities of γ rays and their internal conversion coefficients, energies and intensities of Auger electrons, conversion electrons and x-rays, were recommended. The decay scheme was also given. Finally the balance of radiation rays intensities and energies was checked. The comprehensive analysis and theoretical calculations were done. The energies and intensities of γ rays and their internal conversion coefficients, energies and intensities of Auger electrons, conversion electrons and x-rays, were recommended. The decay scheme was also given. Finally the balance of radiation rays intensities and energies was checked.
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