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总公司在今年的工作会议上提出,加强民品多种经营,是总公司在“九五”期间实现扭亏为盈的关键,当前工作重点应放在重点民品项目达产达标、提高效益和亏损大户扭亏上。为落实总公司的工作部署,抓好民品多种经营工作,在李定凡副 The head office put forward at this year’s working conference that strengthening the diversified management of civilian products is the key to achieving a turnaround of the head office during the Ninth Five-year Plan period. The current work should focus on meeting the production standards of key civilian products projects, increasing the profits and large losses Turn loss on. In order to implement the work plan of the head office, do a good job in managing various kinds of business for civilian products, and vice president Li Dingfan
采用失重法,并结合物相分析技术研究了B2205、B409及B439不锈钢在700℃熔融LiCl-5 mass%Li_2O中的腐蚀行为.结果表明,三种不锈钢均遭受严重腐蚀,且其腐蚀失重近似遵循线性规
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天津石化公司涤纶厂连续缩聚(CP)车间,作为测量缩聚釜液位的料位计所用的钴源已过了两个半衰期,剂量已不符合要求,因此决定今年更换新源。 更换新源存在着一定的危险性,主要
CCRMN is a program for calculating complex reactions of a medium-heavy nucleus with six light particles. In CCRMN, the incoming particles can be neutrons, prot
To meet the requirement of nuclear engineering, especially nuclear fusion reactor, now the data in the major evaluated libraries, such as ENDF/B-6, JENDL-3.2,
The elastic and inelastic scattering calculations for n+~(238)U (E_n=5 MeV) within the framework of spherical and deformed nuclear optical model by using ECIS95
Introduction Nickel is a very important structure material in nuclear engineering. The neutron activation cross section of the (n,p) reaction is very important