Assessing the Accuracy of the Modi?ed Chinese Autism Spectrum Rating Scale and Social Responsiveness

来源 :Neuroscience Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanglq2009
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The reported prevalence of autism spectrum disorder(ASD) has been increasing rapidly in many parts of the world. However, data on its prevalence in China are largely missing. Here, we assessed the suitability of the modi?ed Chinese version of a newly-developed ASD screening tool, the Modi?ed Chinese Autism Spectrum Rating Scales(MC-ASRS) in screening for ASD in Chi nese children aged 6–12 years, through comparison with the Social Responsiveness Scale(SRS) that has been widely used for ASD screening. We recruited the par ents/caregivers of 1588 typically-developing children and190 children with ASD aged 6–12 years to complete the MC-ASRS and SRS, and evaluated the validity of both scales in discriminating children with ASD from those developing typically. The results showed that MC-ASRSperformed as well as SRS in sensitivity, speci?city, and area-under-the-curve(both [0.95) in receiver operating characteristic analysis, with a fair false-negative rate.These results suggest that MC-ASRS is a promising tool for screening for children with ASD in the general Chinese population. The reported prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been increasing rapidly in many parts of the world. However, data on its prevalence in China are substantially missing. Here, we assessed the suitability of the modi? Ed Chinese version of a newly- developed ASD screening tool, the Modi? ed Chinese Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (MC-ASRS) in screening for ASD in Chi nese children aged 6-12 years, through comparison with the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) that has been widely used for ASD screening. We recruited the par ents / caregivers of 1588 typically-developing children and 190 children with ASD aged 6-12 years to complete the MC-ASRS and SRS, and evaluated the validity of both scales in discriminating children with ASD from those developing typically. The results showed that MC-ASRSperformed as well as SRS in sensitivity, speci? City, and area-under-the-curve (both [0.95) in receiver operating characteristic analysis, with a fair false- -A SRS is a promising tool for screening for children with ASD in the general Chinese population.
摘要:目前,我国小学体育课程中的大多数项目都是比较单一且枯燥的,其过于关注了基本动作与体能的反复训练,学生容易产生厌倦情绪和逆反心理。而小学生由于年龄较小,注意力不易集中,所以体育教师在教学过程中更应注重丰富多彩的项目训练教学方式,寓教于乐,激发学生的好动天性,产生对体育活动的兴趣与热情,强健学生体魄,促使其健康地投入学习与生活之中。  关键词:小学体育;项目训练;探析  中图分类号:G427 文
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