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党的十六大报告强调,“要建立与社会主义市场经济相适应、与社会主义法律规范相协调、与中华民族传统美德相承接的社会主义思想道德体系”。我认为,贯彻落实这一要求,首先要加强领导干部的“官德”建设,坚持从严要求,从小事做起。正如一位领导干部所说:“官德不容小恙,任何时候都马虎不得!”随着“以德治国”方略的贯彻实施,做人讲人格,为官讲官德,已经成为人们的共识。然而,有的同志觉得,为官之道关键是在大是大非面前不含糊,生活小节无碍大局,“一眚”不至于掩“大德”。在这种思想支配下,有的就管不住自己,说不该说的话,拿不该拿的东西,去不该去的地方,做不该做的事情,不仅直接影响了自身形象,而且严重损害了党在人民群众中的威望。殊不知,“轻者重之端,小者大之源”,“忽细事者祸必盈, The report of the 16th CPC National Congress emphasized that “we must establish a socialist ideological and moral system that is compatible with the socialist market economy, coordinated with socialist legal norms and inherits the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.” In my opinion, to implement this requirement, we must first strengthen the building of “official morals” of leading cadres, uphold strict demands and start from small ones. As one leading cadre said: “Official morality can not be shameful, and sloppy at any time!” With the implementation of the strategy of “governing the country with ethics,” it has become a consensus that officials should be ethic and officials should be officials. However, some comrades think that the key to officialdom lies in being unambiguous in the face of being big and out of place. The living section does not hinder the overall situation and “does not hide the grand morality.” Under the control of this kind of thinking, some can not control themselves, saying that they should not say things that should not be taken or where they should not go and what to do should not only directly affect their own image, but also Seriously undermined the party’s prestige among the people. As everyone knows, “the most important side of the light, the source of the small big,” "Misfortune will be profitable,
星移斗转几千秋,卓著功勋史册留。保卫财源施伟略,振兴经济展奇谋。往昔战绩宜须颂,盛世新功更待讴。破浪扬帆航道远,辉煌再创誉神州。赞审计@中一 Star transfer bucket turn a
阳春三月暖融融,两会高贤聚北京。西部开发群策力,人才素质共呼声。改革国企步伐快,调整结构效益增。期盼祖国归一统,复兴大业早成功。决策颂@杨彤峻 Warm spring in March, two
浮山县公安局的变化,说明了“只有落后的领导,没有落后的群众”这个道理。——山西省公安厅厅长聂海舟 The change of the Fushan Public Security Bureau shows the truth
一 1957年《诗刊》第一期上、赫然登出了毛泽东《沁园春·长沙》、《七律·长征》、《清平乐·会昌》及《沁园春·雪》等18首旧体诗词,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。 当时,着
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