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朋友们,挥汗如雨地练习牛仔舞,感觉很不错吧!在CDSP等级考试或是考牌中,牛仔舞从银牌开始才被列入考试内容,考试中所使用的舞步也基本上是铜牌(在IDTA教材中)动作。事实上,牛仔舞的金牌考试难度并不高,只要清楚技术要点并进行反复练习,就可以轻松应对。受等级考试推进速度的影响,很多考生对金星级的考牌动作较为生疏,同时,14岁以下的少年选手在竞赛中,金牌动作是其解禁前所跳的难度最高的规定舞步所以作为难度较大的金星级动作以及大量花式动作的本型舞步,都被“幸运”逃避了。可想而知,当这些少年选手们升入16岁以下组后,会出现怎样糟糕的情况,他们那些没有经“风雨”即见“彩虹”的自选花式舞步会是怎样一种状态!这些问题的出现肯定不能全怪考生,哪怕时至今日,我们的老师们能够完成金星二级考试组合的,恐怕也是寥寥无几吧!这决不是发牢骚,是对等级考试培训体制推进进程的敦促和激励。这一期我们所讨论的舞步,大部分出现在金星一级和二级当中。 Friends, sweat to practice cowboy dance, I feel very good! In the CDSP level exam or test card, cowboy dance was included in the exam from the silver medal, the exam used in the dance is basically a bronze medal (in the IDTA Textbook) action. In fact, the cowboy dance gold medal difficulty is not high, as long as the clear technical points and repeated practice, you can easily deal with. Affected by the speed of the grade examination, many candidates are more unfamiliar with Venus exams. In the meantime, young athletes under 14 years of age compete in competitions, and the gold medal action is the most difficult one to jump before lifting the ban. Therefore, as a difficulty The larger Venus action and a large number of fancy moves of this type are “lucky” to escape. As you can imagine, when these young players are promoted to the age group of 16, what kind of bad situation can occur? How can one of their own fancy dance moves without “Wind and Rain” or “Rainbow”? Kind of state! The emergence of these problems certainly can not blame the candidates, even if today, our teachers can complete the Venus two exam combinations, I am afraid it is also very few! This is by no means a whining, is to promote the level examination training system The process of urging and motivation. Most of the steps we discussed during this period are in Venus level one and two.
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