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中国是地质灾害最为严重的国家之一,地质灾害种类多、分布广、危害大,严重制约着灾害多发地区的国民经济发展,威胁着人民生命财产安全。特别是在汛期,受气象因素的影响,崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等突发性地质灾害频繁发生,经常造成生命和财产的重大损失。据统计,近年来,除地震以外的? China is one of the countries with the most serious geological disasters. There are many kinds of geological disasters, which are widely distributed and endangered. This seriously restricts the development of the national economy in areas prone to disasters and threatens the safety of people’s lives and property. Especially in flood season, due to the influence of meteorological factors, sudden geological disasters such as landslide, landslide and mud-rock flow occur frequently, often resulting in heavy loss of life and property. According to statistics, in recent years, except earthquakes?
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Various multi-layered bus architectures are now being used in the So C industry. Reckless use of bus layers may result in low utilization of communication resou
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环氧材料涂膜防渗是广泛应用于工程维修的一项防水施工技术.本文结合工程实例介绍在混凝土表面潮湿的条件下,应用环氧涂膜进行防渗处理的配方、工艺及施工的一些经验。 Epoxy
A combined study of CL imaging, LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and trace element analysis were carried out for zircon grains from high-pressure basic granulite at Song-
《中国传统市场发展史》,龙登高著。43万字。  人民出版社1997年12月出版。责任编辑:魏海源。  由于过去传统偏见和极"左"思潮的影响,市场史的研究长期罕有人问津。80年代初,少数学者开始涉足传统市场研究,但直到"十四大"明确提出发展有中国特色的社会主义市场经济以后,这一领域才骤然成为热点,短时期内得以迅速发展,并取得了丰硕的成果。但是,现有研究大都局限于探讨传统市场史中的某一专题或某一时代的
<正> 三、欧盟对我国出口的反倾销案件 欧盟是最早对我国的出口产品实施反倾销制裁的国家。从1979年提出第一个反倾销诉讼到1996年,欧盟对我国出口商品的反倾销调查达60多项