
来源 :山东中医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nc_xujian
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余家祖籍山东,以种植牡丹、栀子、月季等为生,并兼以草药治喉。乾隆间,因故乡水患,遂移扬州。初住东乡翟家庄芍药田附近,仍业莳花,兼治喉症。后以求诊者多,移居城内万寿寺前。患者均呼其地曰:“耿家巷”,巷因以得名。高祖静亭公、曾伯祖世珍公、先祖焦麓公以迄吾父,均行医于此,已近两百年。宅后有小园,多种草药送人,贫不取资,累积经验甚丰。尤其在单方、食疗、外治诸方面,及药物之炮制、配伍、修治等等,均摸索到许多独到方法。往昔秘不示人,现吾父仿《蠢子医》之法,用易懂易记之语,朝夕漫谈,因汇集昔日之所闻及家藏之底薄,仿曹氏《过庭录存》例,笔之于篇。其中之简易方药,或可备医疗者之采摭,故将陆续片断介绍。 Yu Jiazu is from Shandong Province and he grows peony, Chinese wolfberry, Chinese rose, etc., and heals herbs with herbs. In Qian Long, due to his hometown flood, he moved Yangzhou. The first time he lived in Dongjiao, near Yanjiao Village, Dongxiang County, he was still busy with flowers and treated for laryngectomy. After visiting many people, I moved to the city in front of the Wanshou Temple. The patients all call their homes: “Family Lane”, Lane because of the name. Gaozu Jingting Gong, Zeng Bozu Shizheng, and his ancestor Jiao Kegong used his father to practice medicine here for nearly two hundred years. There is a small garden behind the house. Many kinds of herbs are given to the people. There is no capital for the poor and the accumulated experience is very rich. Especially in unilateral, therapeutic, and external treatment aspects, as well as the preparation, compatibility, and treatment of drugs, many unique methods have been explored. The secrets of the past are not shown. Now my father imitates the method of “Foolish Medicine,” and uses easy-to-read and easy-to-remember words. He talks about the past and the past. He gathers the past information and the bottom of the family’s possession, and imitates Cao’s “court records.” Examples, pens to articles. Among them, simple prescriptions, or pickings for those who can be prepared for medical treatment, will be introduced in succession.
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