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这是一九八五年发生在沈阳市苏家屯区某乡镇的事,不过文章中的人物改名换姓了。四月份的一个夜晚十点多钟,苏家屯区某乡一户民房的灯灭了。因为阴历在十五左右,月光如水,屋里炕上一并排躺着的几个人,影影绰绰还能看出个模样来。炕头是个少妇,第二个是个中年妇女,紧挨着是个中年男人,这边是两个孩子。下面我们就把他们一一介绍一下:中年妇女和中年男人是夫妻俩,女的名叫杨明君,男的名叫麦思材,旁边是这对夫妻的两个孩子;那位少妇叫洪淑兰,是杨明君的娘家兄弟媳妇。 This happened in 1985 in a town in the Sujiatun District of Shenyang City, but the characters in the article were changed their names. One night in April at ten o’clock, a village in Sujiatun District, the lights went out. Because of the lunar calendar at about fifteen moonlight, water, lying on the kang house side by side several people, more than enough to see a movie appearance. Kang was a young woman, the second is a middle-aged woman, next to a middle-aged man, here are two children. Here we introduce them one by one: middle-aged and middle-aged men and women are the couple, the woman’s name is Yang Mingjun, the man’s name is Maisi material, next to the couple’s two children; the young woman called Hong Shulan, Yang Mingjun’s natal brother-in-law.
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摘要目的研究慢性心力衰竭(HF)病人的肾功能与肾灌注及肾实质结构(T1弛豫)间的关系。方法经过伦理委员会(IRB)批准,根据HF和肾功能的状态入组40名参与者 Abstract Objective
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一 1984年5月11日凌晨三时许,被告(香港东方船务有限公司)所属的巴拿马籍“海利”轮,载有航行用燃油(20#燃油)176吨、柴油66吨、润滑油3600升、苯酚11.1吨、硫化钠51.3吨、
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