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无论时代如何发展,科技如何发达;无论人生如何进展,岁月如何变迁,精神的力量永不泯灭。有时我想,信念、自尊、坚毅、真情……比起唯美的画技、形形色色精灵古怪的法术、武功、波澜起伏的情节而言,更能引发心灵的共鸣。不会忘记《名侦探柯南》中兰和新一的电话,那时,化身为柯南的新一正在隔壁的房间里用短暂的时间给她单薄的安慰。有人说,世上最远的距离是我在你身边,而你却不知道我爱你。而于柯南,最远的距离却是我在你身边,你却不知我是谁。这些不时出现的场景或许远比不上推理、 No matter how the times develop and how science and technology are developed, no matter how the progress of life, how time changes, the power of the spirit will never die out. Sometimes I think, faith, self-esteem, perseverance, truth ... ... compared to the beautiful painting skills, all kinds of elves strange spells, martial arts, ups and downs of the plot, the more can trigger the soul of resonance. Will not forget the “Detective Conan” in the blue and the new one, then, the incarnation of Conan’s new one is in a room next door for a short time her thin comfort. Some people say that the farthest distance in the world is where I am, and you do not know that I love you. In Conan, the farthest distance is I am by your side, but you do not know who I am. These occasional scenes may not be as good as inferences,
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