重温历史 激励未来——纪念东江第三支队成立50周年

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中国人民解放军粤赣湘边纵队东江第三支队(她的前身是广东人民解放军江北支队),在解放战争时期,战斗在广州市东北部各县,为广东人民的解放事业及配合南下大军解放广州作出了重要的贡献。今年2月东江第三支队成立50周年,在这个支队活动地区及东三支老同志工作和生活的地方广州、增城、从化、龙门、博罗、佛冈、花都、河源、新丰、番禺、白云区、佛山、肇庆、韶关、惠州、深圳、东莞、中山等市、县都进行了纪念活动,参加人数合计达4000多人,气氛热烈,盛况空前。2月27日,广州市委党史研究室和广州地区老游击战士联谊会东三支分会在广东湖滨宾馆隆重举行东三支成立50周年纪念大会,在广州的东三支老战士 During the war of liberation, the third detachment of the Dongjiang third column of the Guangdong, Jiangxi and Hunan border columns of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army fought in the northeastern part of Guangzhou City to liberate the Guangdong people and liberate Guangzhou Made an important contribution. The 50th anniversary of the establishment of the third detachment of the Dongjiang River in February this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the third detachment of the Dongjiang River in the area where the detachment is active and where the three old comrades in the east work and live. Guangzhou, Zengcheng, Conghua, Longmen, Boluo, Fogang, Huadu, Heyuan, Xinfeng and Panyu , Baiyun District, Foshan, Zhaoqing, Shaoguan, Huizhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhongshan and other cities and counties have carried out a commemorative event, the total number of participants reached more than 4,000 people, a warm atmosphere, unprecedented grand occasion. On February 27, the Party History Research Office of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the East Third Branch of the Association of the Old Guerrillas in Guangzhou held a grand commemorative meeting marking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the “East Third Branch” in Guangdong’s Hubin Hotel. The three old veterans in Guangzhou
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