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研究了加拿大一枝黄花地上部分(茎和叶)、地下部分(根茎和细根)和根际土壤的水浸提液对紫花苜蓿和红苋菜两种经济作物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明;(1)地上部分、地下部分和根际土壤的浸提液对紫花苜蓿种子的萌发均起抑制作用,而对红苋菜种子的萌发具有一定促进作用。(2)地上部分的浸提液对紫花苜蓿和红苋菜的苗高、根长以及紫花苜蓿的根重均表现出抑制作用,而对红苋菜的根重更多的是表现出促进作用。(3)地下部分的浸提液对紫花苜蓿和红苋菜的苗高、根长以及根重(粗)均表现出抑制作用。(4)根际土壤的浸提液对紫花苜蓿的根长以及根重均表现出抑制作用,而对苗高起促进作用;对红苋菜的根长起抑制作用,而对苗高和根重既起促进作用又起抑制作用。(5)相同浓度的水浸液对作物幼根的影响大于对作物苗高的影响。(6)当浸提液的浓度变化时,不同作物种子的萌发和幼苗生长的响应对策呈显著差异。 The effects of aqueous extract of Solidago canadensis L. on the aerial parts (stems and leaves), underground parts (rhizomes and fine roots) and rhizosphere soil on the seed germination and seedling growth of alfalfa and amaranth were studied. The results showed that: (1) Extracts from aerial parts, underground parts and rhizosphere soil could inhibit the germination of alfalfa seeds, but could promote the germination of red amaranth seeds. (2) Extracts from aerial part showed inhibition on height, root length and alfalfa root weight of alfalfa and amaranth, but showed more promotion effect on the root weight of amaranth. (3) The underground part of the extract of alfalfa and red amaranth seedling height, root length and root weight (crude) showed inhibition. (4) The extract of rhizosphere soil showed inhibitory effect on the root length and root weight of alfalfa, but on the height of seedling height, inhibited root length of amaranth, Both play a catalytic role and inhibitory effect. (5) The effect of the same concentration of aqueous extract on crop roots is more than that of crop height. (6) When the concentration of the extract changed, the responses of seed germination and seedling growth of different crops were significantly different.
精索肿瘤临床少见 ,而原发于精索的恶性纤维组织细胞瘤则更为少见 ,兹报告 1例。男 ,43岁。因右下腹隐痛并放射至右侧睾丸胀痛 2个月 ,于 1998年 9月 19日入院。查体 :右下腹
过敏性紫癜是儿童常见的出血性疾病 ,可并发心肌损害而出现心电图、心肌酶谱等异常。 1993年 2月~ 2 0 0 0年 2月 ,我院对收治的 49例患儿进行体表心电图检查 ,部分行心肌酶谱
目的 评价准分子激光角膜切削术 (PRK)后屈光回退再行准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术 (LASIK)的疗效。方法 对PRK术后≥ 1年 ,屈光回退但屈光度稳定的患者 9例 ( 15眼 ) ,行LASI