
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dl121
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为了充分供应广大农村人民的春节工业品的需要,我们参照大同陈家庄推销工业品的经验,迅速在全省范围内组织了春节前工业品展览推销运动,现已胜利结束。兹将工作进行情况综合报告如下:我委于一月中旬组织了省级财经部门三百余干部,由厅、局长率领,分赴各专、县协助春节前工业品展览推销运动。在此次展览推销运动中,会动员了大批干部及农村报告员、宣传员、剧团演员,运用了幻灯、收音机、留声机、广播筒、黑板报等宣传工具,深入全省偏僻山区和农村,开展了规模大、品种多、经济供应与政治宣传相结合、推销与展览相结合的工业品推销运动。在短短二十余天内,使全省国营贸易的几种大宗商品一片份均超额完成任务。如:纸完成百分之一三二点三四,玻璃百分之一八八,碱面百分之四二二点二八,袜子百分之二二一点○七,布疋百分之一三六点七四,食盐百许之一○八点九二,烟酒百分之一○九点七七。全省供销合作社一月份也完成季度推销计划的百分之五 In order to fully supply the needs of the vast majority of rural people for the Spring Festival industrial products, we refer to the experience of marketing industrial products in Datong and Chenjiazhuang and quickly organized the sales promotion of industrial products exhibitions before the Spring Festival in the entire province. Now the victory is over. The report of the work progress report is as follows: The Central Committee organized more than 300 cadres in the provincial finance department in mid-January. The departmental and director-generals led the delegation to various specialties and counties to assist the promotion of the industrial products exhibition before the Spring Festival. In the promotion of the exhibition, a large number of cadres and rural rapporteurs, propagandists and theatrical troupes were mobilized, using propaganda tools such as slideshows, radios, phonographs, radio tubes and blackboard newspapers, and went deep into the remote mountainous areas and rural areas of the province to carry out The large-scale, variety, economic supply and political propaganda combination of marketing and exhibition of combining industrial products marketing campaign. In just over 20 days, several batches of state-owned trade in the province were over-fulfilled. Such as: paper to complete one three three four four hundred, one hundred eighty-eight percent glass, four percent two point two eight twenty-eight percent, socks two hundred and seventy percent seven percent One three six seven seven four, salt one hundred and eighty-two point eight nine percent, alcohol and tobacco one hundred and nine seven seven seven. The province’s supply and marketing cooperatives also completed 5% of the quarterly sales plan in January
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