
来源 :中国科学技术史(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shmily8318
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Primary sources are the prerequisite for exploring the history of science and technology in pre-modern China.How can the valuable ones be winnowed out from the vast landscape of historical materials?rnBooks predominate among Chinese historical sources.Guji古籍,or pre-modern Chinese books are generally defined as pre-1912 printed books and manuscripts,often bound in the characteristic traditional Chinese way.The General Catalogue of Pre-modern Chinese Books (Zhongguo guji zongmu 中国古籍总目) encompasses around 200,000 titles,and is estimated to cover more than 500,000 editions(Compilation Committee 2012,“Preface,” 3).From at least the 1980s,almost all the printed books and manuscripts prior to the year of 1796 were categorized as rare books.2 The Union Catalogue of Rare Books in China (Zhongguo guji shanben shumu国古籍善本书目) contains approximately 74,000 editions (Editorial Committee 1989-1998).
On June 26,2000,President Bill Clinton held a ceremony at the White House announcing the completion of the human genome sequencing.Finally,the leaders of the two competing groups,Dr.Francis Collins from the National Institute of Health,and Dr.J.Craig Vent
This year marks the 20-year anniversary of the publication of the draft human genome.In this article,I review the fundamental impact the Human Genome Project(HGP)has made in biomedical research,especially in the genetics field.I also offer some perspectiv
通过对相关文物及论述的重新检视,提出韩国庆州佛国寺所出《无垢净光大陀罗尼经》是不可能刻印于朝鲜的,也不能作为朝鲜发明雕版印刷术的依据.根据唐代最早雕版印刷的陀罗尼经咒,可以推测出印刷术产生的时间上限为唐玄宗开元年间.印度瑜伽密教的入华及其在社会大众间的广泛传播,正是促使印刷术产生最重要的社会因素,并促成了在复制经咒时从分块捺印向整版雕印、从印制梵文向汉文的演变.“,”A re-examination of the artifacts and research pertaining to woodblock
2015年,南京图书馆藏的一份不为人知的手稿引起了学界的重视.经鉴定,这一矿冶著作是被认为失传已久的《坤舆格致》的一个抄本.《坤舆格致》此前被普遍视为耶稣会士汤若望(Adam Schall von Bell,1592~1666)对阿格里科拉(Georgius Agricola,1494~1555)的《矿冶全书》(De re metallica,1556)的中译本.然而,仔细阅读文本可以发现,该书除了编译《矿冶全书》中部分内容外,至少还收录了另外四位欧洲学者的著述,他们是万诺乔·比林古乔(Vannoccio
Background:The concept of phase separation has been used to describe and interpret physicochemical phenomena in biological systems for decades.Many intracellular macromolecules undergo phase separation,where it plays important roles in gene regulation,cel
Background:Differential allelic expression(DAE)plays a key role in the regulation of many biological processes,and it may also play a role in adaptive evolution.Recently,environment-dependent DAE has been observed in species of marine phytoplankton,and mo
One major goal of human genetics is to identify variants,genes,and pathways causing diseases,both common and rare.Statistical thinking and approaches have played a major role in advancing human genetics research both historically and in recent years after
Background:The outbreak and continued spread of coronavirus infection(COVID-19)sets the goal of finding new tools and methods to develop analytical procedures and tests to detect,study infection and prevent morbidity.Methods:The noncovalent binding of cya