
来源 :中学生阅读(高考版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimlancer
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“早读课”从本期开始和同学们见面了。这是一个选文集萃的栏目,每期的精短选文都将遵循一个主题,力求从遣词、造句、修辞、意境、情感等多个角度给同学们呈现语文之美。熟读、背诵、仿写这些选段,相信会让同学们的语感、理解能力和写作水平提升到一个新的高度。本期精选了十个文学片段,轻声诵读这些选段,于一景一物、一花一草、一事一理中,细细领会景物之美、情感之美和文字之美,将它们融入你的笔端,创造属于你自己的作文之美。 “Bread reading class” met with the students from the beginning of the current period. This is a collection of selected articles. Each short-term selection will follow a theme and strive to present the beauty of the language to the students from a variety of perspectives such as words, sentences, rhetoric, mood, and emotion. The reading, recitation, and copywriting of these excerpts are believed to give students a new level of sense of language, comprehension, and writing. In this issue, ten literary fragments are selected, and these narrations are read softly. In a scene, a flower, a grass, and a matter, the beauty of the scenery, the beauty of emotions, and the beauty of the words are scrutinized and incorporated into your pen. Create the beauty of your own composition.
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