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为了探索气候变化情景下农作物种植应对措施。采用分期播种法,对高寒地区气候变化对春小麦的影响试验进行了研究。结果表明:在高寒旱作农业区不论在哪种气候年景下,早播种的春小麦全生育期日平均气温比迟播种的低。小麦全生育期气温高生育期短,气温低生育期长;全生育期间降水增加春小麦生育期延长。在春夏连旱情景下春小麦出苗率低、密度小、抗旱能力强,在伏旱情景下春小麦出苗率高,密度大,抗旱能力较弱。决定春小麦产量高低的主要时段是幼穗分化期的日平均气温和籽粒形成期的积温、降水量,幼穗分化期的日平均气温低,籽粒形成期的积温多、降水充足,产量高,反之产量低。 In order to explore the response to crop cultivation under climate change scenarios. The method of seeding sowing was used to study the influence of climatic change on spring wheat in alpine region. The results showed that the average daily temperature of early spring wheat during the whole growth period was lower than that of late sowing in any climate with high and dry conditions. During the whole growth period of wheat, the high temperature has a short growth period and low temperature has a long growth period; and the increase of spring wheat during the whole growth period prolongs the growth period of spring wheat. In spring and summer under the same drought scenario, the emergence rate of spring wheat is low, its density is low and its ability of drought resistance is strong. Under the drought conditions, the emergence rate of spring wheat is high, the density is high, and the ability of drought resistance is weak. The main periods that determine the yield of spring wheat are the daily average temperature at the young panicle differentiation stage and the accumulated temperature and precipitation at the grain-forming stage, the low average daily temperature at the young panicle differentiation stage, the accumulated temperature in the grain formation stage, sufficient rainfall, high yield and vice versa Low Yield.
将一种新的行为形象引入刑事科学领域,是一项具有前瞻性和挑战性的研究课题。本文从产生新危险犯的社会背景出发,对新危险犯的犯罪论、刑罚论和刑事政策论进行探讨。 第一章